Pengertian Korupsi (bahasa Latin: corruptio dari kata kerja corrumpere yang bermakna busuk, rusak, menggoyahkan, memutarbalik, menyogok). Secara harfiah, korupsi adalah perilaku pejabat publik, baik politikus|politisi maupun pegawai negeri, yang secara tidak wajar dan tidak legal memperkaya diri atau memperkaya mereka yang dekat dengannya, dengan menyalahgunakan kekuasaan publik yang dipercayakan kepada mereka.
Dari sudut pandang hukum, tindak pidana korupsi secara garis besar mencakup unsur-unsur sebagai berikut:
• perbuatan melawan hukum;
• penyalahgunaan kewenangan, kesempatan, atau sarana;
• memperkaya diri sendiri, orang lain, atau korporasi;
• merugikan keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara;
Selain itu terdapat beberapa jenis tindak pidana korupsi yang lain, diantaranya:
• memberi atau menerima hadiah atau janji (penyuapan);
• penggelapan dalam jabatan;
• pemerasan dalam jabatan;
• ikut serta dalam pengadaan (bagi pegawai negeri/penyelenggara negara);
• menerima gratifikasi (bagi pegawai negeri/penyelenggara negara).
Dalam arti yang luas, korupsi atau korupsi politis adalah penyalahgunaan jabatan resmi untuk keuntungan pribadi. Semua bentuk pemerintah|pemerintahan rentan korupsi dalam prakteknya. Beratnya korupsi berbeda-beda, dari yang paling ringan dalam bentuk penggunaan pengaruh dan dukungan untuk memberi dan menerima pertolongan, sampai dengan korupsi berat yang diresmikan, dan sebagainya. Titik ujung korupsi adalah kleptokrasi, yang arti harafiahnya pemerintahan oleh para pencuri, di mana pura-pura bertindak jujur pun tidak ada sama sekali.
Korupsi yang muncul di bidang politik dan birokrasi bisa berbentuk sepele atau berat, terorganisasi atau tidak. Walau korupsi sering memudahkan kegiatan kriminal seperti penjualan narkotika, pencucian uang, dan prostitusi, korupsi itu sendiri tidak terbatas dalam hal-hal ini saja. Untuk mempelajari masalah ini dan membuat solusinya, sangat penting untuk membedakan antara korupsi dan kriminalitas|kejahatan.
Tergantung dari negaranya atau wilayah hukumnya, ada perbedaan antara yang dianggap korupsi atau tidak. Sebagai contoh, pendanaan partai politik ada yang legal di satu tempat namun ada juga yang tidak legal di tempat lain.
• Konsentrasi kekuasan di pengambil keputusan yang tidak bertanggung jawab langsung kepada rakyat, seperti yang sering terlihat di rezim-rezim yang bukan demokratik.
• Kurangnya transparansi di pengambilan keputusan pemerintah
• Kampanye-kampanye politik yang mahal, dengan pengeluaran lebih besar dari pendanaan politik yang normal.
• Proyek yang melibatkan uang rakyat dalam jumlah besar.
• Lingkungan tertutup yang mementingkan diri sendiri dan jaringan "teman lama".
• Lemahnya ketertiban hukum.
• Lemahnya profesi hukum.
• Kurangnya kebebasan berpendapat atau kebebasan media massa.
• Gaji pegawai pemerintah yang sangat kecil.
• Rakyat yang cuek, tidak tertarik, atau mudah dibohongi yang gagal memberikan perhatian yang cukup ke pemilihan umum.
• Ketidakadaannya kontrol yang cukup untuk mencegah penyuapan atau "sumbangan kampanye".
Korupsi menunjukan tantangan serius terhadap pembangunan. Di dalam dunia politik, korupsi mempersulit demokrasi dan tata pemerintahan yang baik (good governance) dengan cara menghancurkan proses formal. Korupsi di pemilihan umum dan di badan legislatif mengurangi akuntabilitas dan perwakilan di pembentukan kebijaksanaan; korupsi di sistem pengadilan menghentikan ketertiban hukum; dan korupsi di pemerintahan publik menghasilkan ketidak-seimbangan dalam pelayanan masyarakat. Secara umum, korupsi mengkikis kemampuan institusi dari pemerintah, karena pengabaian prosedur, penyedotan sumber daya, dan pejabat diangkat atau dinaikan jabatan bukan karena prestasi. Pada saat yang bersamaan, korupsi mempersulit legitimasi pemerintahan dan nilai demokrasi seperti kepercayaan dan toleransi.
Korupsi juga mempersulit pembangunan ekonomi dengan membuat distorsi dan ketidak efisienan yang tinggi. Dalam sektor privat, korupsi meningkatkan ongkos niaga karena kerugian dari pembayaran ilegal, ongkos manajemen dalam negosiasi dengan pejabat korup, dan risiko pembatalan perjanjian atau karena penyelidikan. Walaupun ada yang menyatakan bahwa korupsi mengurangi ongkos (niaga) dengan mempermudah birokrasi, konsensus yang baru muncul berkesimpulan bahwa ketersediaan sogokan menyebabkan pejabat untuk membuat aturan-aturan baru dan hambatan baru. Dimana korupsi menyebabkan inflasi ongkos niaga, korupsi juga mengacaukan "lapangan perniagaan". Perusahaan yang memiliki koneksi dilindungi dari persaingan dan sebagai hasilnya mempertahankan perusahaan-perusahaan yang tidak efisien.
Korupsi menimbulkan distorsi (kekacauan) di dalam sektor publik dengan mengalihkan investasi publik ke proyek-proyek masyarakat yang mana sogokan dan upah tersedia lebih banyak. Pejabat mungkin menambah kompleksitas proyek masyarakat untuk menyembunyikan praktek korupsi, yang akhirnya menghasilkan lebih banyak kekacauan. Korupsi juga mengurangi pemenuhan syarat-syarat keamanan bangunan, lingkungan hidup, atau aturan-aturan lain. Korupsi juga mengurangi kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan dan infrastruktur; dan menambahkan tekanan-tekanan terhadap anggaran pemerintah.
Para pakar ekonomi memberikan pendapat bahwa salah satu faktor keterbelakangan pembangunan ekonomi di Afrika dan Asia, terutama di Afrika, adalah korupsi yang berbentuk penagihan sewa yang menyebabkan perpindahan penanaman modal (capital investment) ke luar negeri, bukannya diinvestasikan ke dalam negeri (maka adanya ejekan yang sering benar bahwa ada diktator Afrika yang memiliki rekening bank di Swiss). Berbeda sekali dengan diktator Asia, seperti Soeharto yang sering mengambil satu potongan dari semuanya (meminta sogok), namun lebih memberikan kondisi untuk pembangunan, melalui investasi infrastruktur, ketertiban hukum, dan lain-lain. Pakar dari Universitas Massachussetts memperkirakan dari tahun 1970 sampai 1996, pelarian modal dari 30 negara sub-Sahara berjumlah US $187 triliun, melebihi dari jumlah utang luar negeri mereka sendiri.
(Hasilnya, dalam artian pembangunan (atau kurangnya pembangunan) telah dibuatkan modelnya dalam satu teori oleh ekonomis Mancur Olson). Dalam kasus Afrika, salah satu faktornya adalah ketidak-stabilan politik, dan juga kenyataan bahwa pemerintahan baru sering menyegel aset-aset pemerintah lama yang sering didapat dari korupsi. Ini memberi dorongan bagi para pejabat untuk menumpuk kekayaan mereka di luar negeri, diluar jangkauan dari ekspropriasi di masa depan.
Korupsi politis ada dibanyak negara, dan memberikan ancaman besar bagi warga negaranya. Korupsi politis berarti kebijaksanaan pemerintah sering menguntungkan pemberi sogok, bukannya rakyat luas. Satu contoh lagi adalah bagaimana politikus membuat peraturan yang melindungi perusahaan besar, namun merugikan perusahaan-perusahaan kecil (SME). Politikus-politikus "pro-bisnis" ini hanya mengembalikan pertolongan kepada perusahaan besar yang memberikan sumbangan besar kepada kampanye pemilu mereka.
Korupsi mencakup penyalahgunaan oleh pejabat pemerintah seperti penggelapan dan nepotisme, juga penyalahgunaan yang menghubungkan sektor swasta dan pemerintahan seperti penyogokan, pemerasan, campuran tangan, dan penipuan.
1) Penyogokan: penyogok dan penerima sogokan
Korupsi memerlukan dua pihak yang korup: pemberi sogokan (penyogok) dan penerima sogokan. Di beberapa negara, budaya penyogokan mencakup semua aspek hidup sehari-hari, meniadakan kemungkinan untuk berniaga tanpa terlibat penyogokan.
Negara-negara yang paling sering memberikan sogokan pada umumnya tidak sama dengan negara-negara yang paling sering menerima sogokan.
Duabelas negara yang paling kurang korupsinya, menurut survey persepsi (anggapan ttg korupsi oleh rakyat) oleh Transparansi Internasional di tahun 2001 adalah sebagai berikut (disusun menurut abjad):
Australia, Kanada, Denmark, Finlandia, Islandia, Luxemburg, Belanda, Selandia Baru, Norwegia, Singapura, Swedia, dan Swiss
Menurut survei persepsi korupsi , tigabelas negara yang paling korup adalah (disusun menurut abjad):
Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Kamerun, Indonesia,Irak, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rusia, Tanzania, Uganda, dan Ukraina
Namun demikian, nilai dari survei tersebut masih diperdebatkan karena ini dilakukan berdasarkan persepsi subyektif dari para peserta survei tersebut, bukan dari penghitungan langsung korupsi yg terjadi (karena survey semacam itu juga tidak ada)
Sumbangan kampanye dan "uang lembek"
Di arena politik, sangatlah sulit untuk membuktikan korupsi, namun lebih sulit lagi untuk membuktikan ketidakadaannya. Maka dari itu, sering banyak ada gosip menyangkut politisi.
Politisi terjebak di posisi lemah karena keperluan mereka untuk meminta sumbangan keuangan untuk kampanye mereka. Sering mereka terlihat untuk bertindak hanya demi keuntungan mereka yang telah menyumbangkan uang, yang akhirnya menyebabkan munculnya tuduhan korupsi politis.
2) Tuduhan korupsi sebagai alat politik
Sering terjadi di mana politisi mencari cara untuk mencoreng lawan mereka dengan tuduhan korupsi. Di Republik Rakyat Cina, fenomena ini digunakan oleh Zhu Rongji, dan yang terakhir, oleh Hu Jintao untuk melemahkan lawan-lawan politik mereka.
3) Mengukur korupsi
Mengukur korupsi - dalam artian statistik, untuk membandingkan beberapa negara, secara alami adalah tidak sederhana, karena para pelakunya pada umumnya ingin bersembunyi. Transparansi Internasional, LSM terkemuka di bidang anti korupsi, menyediakan tiga tolok ukur, yang diterbitkan setiap tahun: Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (berdasarkan dari pendapat para ahli tentang seberapa korup negara-negara ini); Barometer Korupsi Global (berdasarkan survei pandangan rakyat terhadap persepsi dan pengalaman mereka dengan korupsi); dan Survei Pemberi Sogok, yang melihat seberapa rela perusahaan-perusahaan asing memberikan sogok. Transparansi Internasional juga menerbitkan Laporan Korupsi Global; edisi tahun 2004 berfokus kepada korupsi politis. Bank Dunia mengumpulkan sejumlah data tentang korupsi, termasuk sejumlah Indikator Kepemerintahan.
Di dalam bidang studi ekonomi, kolusi terjadi di dalam satu bidang industri disaat beberapa perusahaan saingan bekerja sama untuk kepentingan mereka bersama. Kolusi paling sering terjadi dalam satu bentuk pasar oligopoli, dimana keputusan beberapa perusahaan untuk bekerja sama, dapat secara signifikan mempengaruhi pasar secara keseluruhan. Kartel adalah kasus khusus dari kolusi berlebihan, yang juga dikenal sebagai kolusi tersembunyi.
kolusi merupakan sikap dan perbuatan tidak jujur dengan membuat kesepakatan secara tersembunyi dalam melakukan kesepakatan perjanjian yang diwarnai dengan pemberian uang atau fasilitas tertentu sebagai pelicin agar segala urusannya menjadi lancer
Nepotisme berarti lebih memilih saudara atau teman akrab berdasarkan hubungannya bukan berdasarkan kemampuannya. Kata ini biasanya digunakan dalam konteks derogatori.
Sebagai contoh, kalau seorang manajer mengangkat atau menaikan jabatan seorang saudara, bukannya seseorang yang lebih berkualifikasi namun bukan saudara, manajer tersebut akan bersalah karena nepotisme. Pakar-pakar biologi telah mengisyaratkan bahwa tendensi terhadap nepotisme adalah berdasarkan naluri, sebagai salah satu bentuk dari pemilihan saudara.
Kata nepotisme berasal dari kata Latin nepos, yang berarti “keponakan” atau “cucu”. Pada Abad Pertengahan beberapa paus Katholik dan uskup- yang telah mengambil janji “chastity” , sehingga biasanya tidak mempunyai anak kandung – memberikan kedudukan khusus kepada keponakannya seolah-olah seperti kepada anaknya sendiri. Beberapa paus diketahui mengangkat keponakan dan saudara lainnya menjadi kardinal. Seringkali, penunjukan tersebut digunakan untuk melanjutkan “dinasti” kepausan. Contohnya, Paus Kallistus III, dari keluarga Borja, mengangkat dua keponakannya menjadi kardinal; salah satunya, Rodrigo, kemudian menggunakan posisinya kardinalnya sebagai batu loncatan ke posisi paus, menjadi Paus Aleksander VI. Kebetulan, Alexander mengangkat Alessandro Farnese, adik kekasih gelapnya, menjadi kardinal; Farnese kemudian menjadi Paus Paulus III. Paul juga melakukan nepotisme, dengan menunjuk dua keponakannya (umur 14 tahun dan 16 tahun) sebagai Kardinal. Praktek seperti ini akhirnya diakhiri oleh Paus Innosensius XII yang mengeluarkan bulla kepausan Romanum decet pontificem pada tahun 1692. Bulla kepausan ini melarang semua paus di seluruh masa untuk mewariskan tanah milik, kantor, atau pendapatan kepada saudara, dengan pengecualian bahwa seseorang saudara yang paling bermutu dapat dijadikan seorang Kardinal.
Kumpulan Informasi Terbaru Langsung Dikutip Oleh Harry Sinaga
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Get Your Ex Girkfriend Back
Can you get your ex girlfriend back?
To get her back, you need to change how she perceives you as a man and how much she feels for you sexually. This cannot be done with words alone. You need to alter your behavior, actions AND words.
Almost every guy has a girlfriend they wish they could get back.
I personally don’t have that problem anymore because most of my ex GFs are still trying to get me back. Why? My “perfect girlfriend” cheated on me and then broke up with me a long time ago and the whole experienced killed my confidence and self-esteem. Eventually, I got the point where I was sick and tired of being single and feeling lonely and I decided to work out the secrets to success with women.
Since discovering the attraction, dating & relationship secrets that I’ve been teaching here at The Modern Man for the last 5 years, NO woman has ever wanted to break up with me (not even close). However, despite my new found success with women, I do have a HUGE AMOUNT of sympathy and empathy for guys who want to get an ex girlfriend back. So, I’m willing to help out!
Let’s begin…
The Way it Usually Works
A few months after a break up, most people eventually realize that their relationship had run its course and breaking up was a good idea after all. The two individuals then move on to a new chapter in their lives by dating other people.
Sometimes however, a man (for example) is left grieving and can’t think of anything else but how to get his ex girlfriend back. He finds it difficult to eat, sleep and concentrate on anything for too long before he’s back to thinking about his ex. Nothing that anyone says about “moving on” and “plenty of fish in the sea” makes any sense to him. He wants his ex-girlfriend back…NOW! He feels that what he had with her was special and he couldn’t find the same type of love and experience with another woman.
Do You Want Her Back or Need Her Back?
The first thing you need to determine is whether you want her back or if you feel that you need her back. This is a very important distinction that changes the whole argument.
If you want her back because what you had was a really good thing that somehow got messed up, you definitely have a reason to try and get her back and it is possible that you will get her back. On the other hand, if you feel as if you need her back because you’re too scared or lazy to go out there and find a new girlfriend, then you probably need to stop and be honest with yourself. If I am to be honest with you as I always am, I would say this:
You may not be able to see it now, but you’ll likely have several more important relationships throughout your life. This woman may be special to you right now, but if you had 3 or 4 other attractive women who were interested in you right now, you probably wouldn’t be so worried about losing her. Likewise, if you knew that you could go out and approach a woman in a bar and get a positive response every time, you probably wouldn’t be so worried about trying to meet new women.
I know, I know! You don’t want to hear that though, do you? Let’s get back to your relationship with your ex…
Why Did You Break Up?
Most breakups don’t happen out of the blue. There are often many warning signs that you either ignored or failed to notice because you weren’t as emotionally and intellectually involved in the relationship as you should have been. In other words, you wooed her, you won her and you then dropped the ball and took her for granted. Usually though, most of the guys who want to get their ex-girlfriend back have either become too needy, too protective or too much of a wuss around her. If that is you, I recommend you read The Flow and learn how to avoid making the same mistakes in future, as well as the correct way to maintain your confidence and a woman’s attraction in a relationship.
Did Either of You Cheat?
Cheating causes a huge loss of trust that will be very difficult, but not always impossible to get past. If there was infidelity, who was the one who was unfaithful?
If you were the one who cheated, then you not only have to be sincerely sorry for it, but you need to truly know in your heart that you won’t do it to her again and then slowly rebuild her trust in you. That is, if she’s willing to take you back! On the other hand, if she was the person who slept with someone else, you must determine if you’re willing to live with her indiscretion and not hold it against her in the future. Be warned though: Most studies show that people who cheat in relationships usually end up doing it again, so I would personally you advise to break up with her and move on. That will be less painful that getting back together, falling deeper in love only to have her go and cheat again.
If you decide to forgive her, but continue to bring up the past, especially when you’re fighting or you want to ‘hurt’ her, your relationship will eventually end anyway. So, you might as well just move on and find a new girlfriend. When you begin a new relationship with the next woman, you have to make sure that the resentment and distrust you felt for your ex isn’t carried into your new relationship. You can’t punish your new girlfriend for another woman’s mistake by being overly suspicious, guarded and not trusting her. That will only set you up for yet another breakup.
Only you can determine if your current relationship (and what’s left of it) is worth saving despite the fact that your girlfriend has surrendered to another man and openly let him penetrate her body and mind. If she says she didn’t enjoy it and only had sex with him to get over you or get revenge, she is most likely lying. The last time I checked (…last night!), sex IS VERY enjoyable last time, so she “probably” enjoyed it.
Deciding whether you will forgive and forget is a very personal choice and you should think long and hard about what are willing to accept. Only you know how much you’re willing risk to be with her. However, if you’re only getting back with her because you’re scared to face the world alone, prepare for further heartbreak. She will sense your weakness, it will turn her off at a deep level and she will then feel the need to break up with you once and for all.
“We Have to Talk”
If you’ve missed or ignored all of the warning signs that your girlfriend has been unhappy and now wants to break up with you, how you handle the inevitable “We have to talk” discussion can greatly affect whether or not you can win your girlfriend back immediately or if it will take more work on your part.
It is always more difficult to fix things if she will only say something like, “I’m sorry, but I need more space,” “It’s not you, it’s me,” or gives you another vague reason for the breakup. If that’s all she gives you to work with, you’ll have to do some really important soul-searching to determine what part you may have played in the breakup. You need to decide if her wanting to end your relationship was justified, what you’re willing to do to correct any mistakes and if you really should be expected to change at all. After all, maybe it is her that is the problem.
Usually though, most women will never tell you the real reason why they want to break up with you. If a woman says, “I think we’ve changed as people” it could actually mean that she’s no longer attracted to you or she simply wants to have fun again by sleeping with new men. It is very difficult to get that type of truth out of someone because they don’t want to hurt your feelings or look selfish for going after what they want.
If she is simply upset that you don’t spend enough time together, you watch too much sports on TV or other simple things that you can fix, you have a good chance of getting her back. However, if it is more personal things like she has lost attraction for you because you’ve become too needy, too protective or you’re not really going after anything in life and just want to spend all your time with her, the truth is that you’ve probably lost her and won’t get her back.
All Talk, No Action
Actions always speak louder than words. Telling her you’re going to change isn’t going to make her believe you more than if you actually show her how you’ve changed (e.g. by being more confident, not being such a wuss, having a purpose in life other than just her, etc.). If you don’t know what to change, read The Flow and learn what attracts women and what turns them off.
The Do’s and Don’ts If You Have Already Broken Up
* Don’t plead, beg, whine or otherwise put yourself into a position where you’re giving up your power in the relationship. It won’t have the effect you desire, but will instead cause her to lose respect for you, lose attraction for you and feel like she wants to be further away from you.
Women are most attracted to men who are mentally and emotionally strong (e.g. confident, not needy, masculine, not insecure, etc). Giving up your power and acting desperate is not what a woman is looking for.
* Don’t hound her with calls, letters and text messages. You will only come off as pathetic.
* Don’t call her friends or family and ask for their help because you miss her so much and you want her back. You’ll embarrass and anger her and what might have been a potentially ‘friendly’ breakup with a possibility of reconciliation is going to escalate to her potentially telling you to stay out of her life forever.
* Do demonstrate that you’re still happy with or without her. Talk confidently, do fun things, catch up with friends, go out to party and enjoy yourself.
* Do display the cheeky humor, charm, and confidence that originally won her over whenever your paths cross.
* Do post photos on Facebook of you hanging out with other women and having a good time with friends. This works better than trying to convince her to take you back. Let her see that you’re a valuable guy and she will be more likely to rethink her decision.
* Do something to maintain your self-esteem (possibly try the 30 Day Challenge if you’re up for it) and start casually dating some new women without shoving it in her face.
Will You Get Her Back?
If your relationship wasn’t meant to be anything more than it was, then you will need to come to terms with the fact that you have been through a difficult learning experience and then take the lessons learned from this relationship into the next to make it more successful.
If you are meant to get back together and if she really does love you and want you back, she will realize that in good time. Sometimes, a woman will run back to you as soon as she sees that she’s lost something valuable. Sometimes, she will need to “get out there” and date for a while before she realizes that she is meant to be with you. However, if your girlfriend broke up with you because you became weak, needy or too protective, you really don’t have much chance of getting her back in the short term. 5-10 years down the track maybe, but by that point you will have moved on and found love again.
Have a Question?
I’m interested to know if you need help with this. Ask me your questions and I’ll give you some advice and strategy to get your ex girlfriend back.
To get her back, you need to change how she perceives you as a man and how much she feels for you sexually. This cannot be done with words alone. You need to alter your behavior, actions AND words.
Almost every guy has a girlfriend they wish they could get back.
I personally don’t have that problem anymore because most of my ex GFs are still trying to get me back. Why? My “perfect girlfriend” cheated on me and then broke up with me a long time ago and the whole experienced killed my confidence and self-esteem. Eventually, I got the point where I was sick and tired of being single and feeling lonely and I decided to work out the secrets to success with women.
Since discovering the attraction, dating & relationship secrets that I’ve been teaching here at The Modern Man for the last 5 years, NO woman has ever wanted to break up with me (not even close). However, despite my new found success with women, I do have a HUGE AMOUNT of sympathy and empathy for guys who want to get an ex girlfriend back. So, I’m willing to help out!
Let’s begin…
The Way it Usually Works
A few months after a break up, most people eventually realize that their relationship had run its course and breaking up was a good idea after all. The two individuals then move on to a new chapter in their lives by dating other people.
Sometimes however, a man (for example) is left grieving and can’t think of anything else but how to get his ex girlfriend back. He finds it difficult to eat, sleep and concentrate on anything for too long before he’s back to thinking about his ex. Nothing that anyone says about “moving on” and “plenty of fish in the sea” makes any sense to him. He wants his ex-girlfriend back…NOW! He feels that what he had with her was special and he couldn’t find the same type of love and experience with another woman.
Do You Want Her Back or Need Her Back?
The first thing you need to determine is whether you want her back or if you feel that you need her back. This is a very important distinction that changes the whole argument.
If you want her back because what you had was a really good thing that somehow got messed up, you definitely have a reason to try and get her back and it is possible that you will get her back. On the other hand, if you feel as if you need her back because you’re too scared or lazy to go out there and find a new girlfriend, then you probably need to stop and be honest with yourself. If I am to be honest with you as I always am, I would say this:
You may not be able to see it now, but you’ll likely have several more important relationships throughout your life. This woman may be special to you right now, but if you had 3 or 4 other attractive women who were interested in you right now, you probably wouldn’t be so worried about losing her. Likewise, if you knew that you could go out and approach a woman in a bar and get a positive response every time, you probably wouldn’t be so worried about trying to meet new women.
I know, I know! You don’t want to hear that though, do you? Let’s get back to your relationship with your ex…
Why Did You Break Up?
Most breakups don’t happen out of the blue. There are often many warning signs that you either ignored or failed to notice because you weren’t as emotionally and intellectually involved in the relationship as you should have been. In other words, you wooed her, you won her and you then dropped the ball and took her for granted. Usually though, most of the guys who want to get their ex-girlfriend back have either become too needy, too protective or too much of a wuss around her. If that is you, I recommend you read The Flow and learn how to avoid making the same mistakes in future, as well as the correct way to maintain your confidence and a woman’s attraction in a relationship.
Did Either of You Cheat?
Cheating causes a huge loss of trust that will be very difficult, but not always impossible to get past. If there was infidelity, who was the one who was unfaithful?
If you were the one who cheated, then you not only have to be sincerely sorry for it, but you need to truly know in your heart that you won’t do it to her again and then slowly rebuild her trust in you. That is, if she’s willing to take you back! On the other hand, if she was the person who slept with someone else, you must determine if you’re willing to live with her indiscretion and not hold it against her in the future. Be warned though: Most studies show that people who cheat in relationships usually end up doing it again, so I would personally you advise to break up with her and move on. That will be less painful that getting back together, falling deeper in love only to have her go and cheat again.
If you decide to forgive her, but continue to bring up the past, especially when you’re fighting or you want to ‘hurt’ her, your relationship will eventually end anyway. So, you might as well just move on and find a new girlfriend. When you begin a new relationship with the next woman, you have to make sure that the resentment and distrust you felt for your ex isn’t carried into your new relationship. You can’t punish your new girlfriend for another woman’s mistake by being overly suspicious, guarded and not trusting her. That will only set you up for yet another breakup.
Only you can determine if your current relationship (and what’s left of it) is worth saving despite the fact that your girlfriend has surrendered to another man and openly let him penetrate her body and mind. If she says she didn’t enjoy it and only had sex with him to get over you or get revenge, she is most likely lying. The last time I checked (…last night!), sex IS VERY enjoyable last time, so she “probably” enjoyed it.
Deciding whether you will forgive and forget is a very personal choice and you should think long and hard about what are willing to accept. Only you know how much you’re willing risk to be with her. However, if you’re only getting back with her because you’re scared to face the world alone, prepare for further heartbreak. She will sense your weakness, it will turn her off at a deep level and she will then feel the need to break up with you once and for all.
“We Have to Talk”
If you’ve missed or ignored all of the warning signs that your girlfriend has been unhappy and now wants to break up with you, how you handle the inevitable “We have to talk” discussion can greatly affect whether or not you can win your girlfriend back immediately or if it will take more work on your part.
It is always more difficult to fix things if she will only say something like, “I’m sorry, but I need more space,” “It’s not you, it’s me,” or gives you another vague reason for the breakup. If that’s all she gives you to work with, you’ll have to do some really important soul-searching to determine what part you may have played in the breakup. You need to decide if her wanting to end your relationship was justified, what you’re willing to do to correct any mistakes and if you really should be expected to change at all. After all, maybe it is her that is the problem.
Usually though, most women will never tell you the real reason why they want to break up with you. If a woman says, “I think we’ve changed as people” it could actually mean that she’s no longer attracted to you or she simply wants to have fun again by sleeping with new men. It is very difficult to get that type of truth out of someone because they don’t want to hurt your feelings or look selfish for going after what they want.
If she is simply upset that you don’t spend enough time together, you watch too much sports on TV or other simple things that you can fix, you have a good chance of getting her back. However, if it is more personal things like she has lost attraction for you because you’ve become too needy, too protective or you’re not really going after anything in life and just want to spend all your time with her, the truth is that you’ve probably lost her and won’t get her back.
All Talk, No Action
Actions always speak louder than words. Telling her you’re going to change isn’t going to make her believe you more than if you actually show her how you’ve changed (e.g. by being more confident, not being such a wuss, having a purpose in life other than just her, etc.). If you don’t know what to change, read The Flow and learn what attracts women and what turns them off.
The Do’s and Don’ts If You Have Already Broken Up
* Don’t plead, beg, whine or otherwise put yourself into a position where you’re giving up your power in the relationship. It won’t have the effect you desire, but will instead cause her to lose respect for you, lose attraction for you and feel like she wants to be further away from you.
Women are most attracted to men who are mentally and emotionally strong (e.g. confident, not needy, masculine, not insecure, etc). Giving up your power and acting desperate is not what a woman is looking for.
* Don’t hound her with calls, letters and text messages. You will only come off as pathetic.
* Don’t call her friends or family and ask for their help because you miss her so much and you want her back. You’ll embarrass and anger her and what might have been a potentially ‘friendly’ breakup with a possibility of reconciliation is going to escalate to her potentially telling you to stay out of her life forever.
* Do demonstrate that you’re still happy with or without her. Talk confidently, do fun things, catch up with friends, go out to party and enjoy yourself.
* Do display the cheeky humor, charm, and confidence that originally won her over whenever your paths cross.
* Do post photos on Facebook of you hanging out with other women and having a good time with friends. This works better than trying to convince her to take you back. Let her see that you’re a valuable guy and she will be more likely to rethink her decision.
* Do something to maintain your self-esteem (possibly try the 30 Day Challenge if you’re up for it) and start casually dating some new women without shoving it in her face.
Will You Get Her Back?
If your relationship wasn’t meant to be anything more than it was, then you will need to come to terms with the fact that you have been through a difficult learning experience and then take the lessons learned from this relationship into the next to make it more successful.
If you are meant to get back together and if she really does love you and want you back, she will realize that in good time. Sometimes, a woman will run back to you as soon as she sees that she’s lost something valuable. Sometimes, she will need to “get out there” and date for a while before she realizes that she is meant to be with you. However, if your girlfriend broke up with you because you became weak, needy or too protective, you really don’t have much chance of getting her back in the short term. 5-10 years down the track maybe, but by that point you will have moved on and found love again.
Have a Question?
I’m interested to know if you need help with this. Ask me your questions and I’ll give you some advice and strategy to get your ex girlfriend back.
Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
The Real Secret to Making Your Ex Boyfriend Want You
With all of the advice I've given over the years it is funny how easy it can be to overlook the simplicity of human relationships. We always believe that our situation is unique or complex even though throughout the history of the earth millions have suffered through the same experience. There is a core reason why we are attracted to certain people, and the closer you can get to generating that feeling for your ex the better your odds will be to get back together.
So what am I talking about? Watch the video to find out!
Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Has a New Girlfriend
Just because your ex boyfriend is dating someone new doesn't mean all hope is lost for getting back together. For starters, rebound relationships rarely last because they are based almost exclusively on looks or lust. Whatever the reason was for why your ex dumped you, their new girlfriend is likely just being used to satisfy their immediate needs. The chances of them building a strong interpersonal friendship with them are not very good.
As simple as it sounds, the best way to get your ex boyfriend back under these circumstances is to simply be yourself and enjoy life. You shouldn't waste time trying to size up your competition because they really have nothing to do with you and your ex. In fact, you can make a bigger statement about yourself by ignoring her or politely introducing yourself.
Keep in mind that your main objective here is to steal your ex back. To be successful you'll need to show your ex everything they are missing by not being with you. This is why you want be seen smiling and having fun with your best friends. Facebook is a good tool for showing off your social status activities. Post regular updates and pictures of yourself as if you are having the time of your life. The idea of course is to prove you don't need a boyfriend to have fun.
Don't shy away from interacting with your ex during this time. Remember that you wan them to notice you. Bump into them whenever possible and maintain a positive and slightly flirtatious tone of conversation. This can really mess with their mind because they expect you to be bitter and depressed after your breakup.
If you can build up your social popularity while keeping your ex's attention you will eventually generate some attraction from them. When this starts to happen you want to drag it out and keep them wanting more. Don't fall for the temptation of hooking up with your ex before they have committed to you. Your best asset is being the one thing they can't have. If you give-in too early then you will become nothing more than their hookup call.
With all of the advice I've given over the years it is funny how easy it can be to overlook the simplicity of human relationships. We always believe that our situation is unique or complex even though throughout the history of the earth millions have suffered through the same experience. There is a core reason why we are attracted to certain people, and the closer you can get to generating that feeling for your ex the better your odds will be to get back together.
So what am I talking about? Watch the video to find out!
Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Has a New Girlfriend
Just because your ex boyfriend is dating someone new doesn't mean all hope is lost for getting back together. For starters, rebound relationships rarely last because they are based almost exclusively on looks or lust. Whatever the reason was for why your ex dumped you, their new girlfriend is likely just being used to satisfy their immediate needs. The chances of them building a strong interpersonal friendship with them are not very good.
As simple as it sounds, the best way to get your ex boyfriend back under these circumstances is to simply be yourself and enjoy life. You shouldn't waste time trying to size up your competition because they really have nothing to do with you and your ex. In fact, you can make a bigger statement about yourself by ignoring her or politely introducing yourself.
Keep in mind that your main objective here is to steal your ex back. To be successful you'll need to show your ex everything they are missing by not being with you. This is why you want be seen smiling and having fun with your best friends. Facebook is a good tool for showing off your social status activities. Post regular updates and pictures of yourself as if you are having the time of your life. The idea of course is to prove you don't need a boyfriend to have fun.
Don't shy away from interacting with your ex during this time. Remember that you wan them to notice you. Bump into them whenever possible and maintain a positive and slightly flirtatious tone of conversation. This can really mess with their mind because they expect you to be bitter and depressed after your breakup.
If you can build up your social popularity while keeping your ex's attention you will eventually generate some attraction from them. When this starts to happen you want to drag it out and keep them wanting more. Don't fall for the temptation of hooking up with your ex before they have committed to you. Your best asset is being the one thing they can't have. If you give-in too early then you will become nothing more than their hookup call.
How to Forget About Your Ex Boyfriend
Okay,are you reading this because you are hung up on your old beau?You know what? You need to forget him. He is part of your past now and he is gone. You need to get on with your life.
1. GET RID OF ALL of his belongings.(Ex, football sweaters, presents, CDs, pictures) anything that reminds you of him. Take all of them and throw it away or give them back to him. This may hurt knowing that those were the only things you had left of him. That is why you need to get rid of them though. You will feel a sense of accomplishment after you do this and it will be you first step towards healing.
2. Think about all of the good qualities that you have. Make a list of what you love about yourself. When you are done with that list, make another one about all the bad qualities of your ex. Look at both of them and see that he doesn't deserve you, and that your separation was necessary. You will have more self-confidence knowing that your ex is really a jerk or a pig. You will be thankful that you broke up with someone that has the qualities that make him an unfit boyfriend.
3. You must be thinking about all of the good times that you had with him. But you must have some bad times also. Think back to all of the fights and all the times you have wanted to break-up with him. Remember that no one has the right to take over your life. He broke up with you, so he couldn’t see all of the amazing unique traits that you have. He was obviously blind to every single one ofthem.
4. Find support from your friends and family. This will allow you to feel better and quicken the healing process.
5. By this step your confidence should have increased by a whole lot. But if you still don't feel content with everything, confront him.Ask him if you can maintain a friendship, if you are strong enough to stop having romantic feelings for him. If you don't feel like being friends, you can just tell him how you feel and he can either apologize, or just stay quiet and give you yet another reason on why he's a dimwit.
1. GET RID OF ALL of his belongings.(Ex, football sweaters, presents, CDs, pictures) anything that reminds you of him. Take all of them and throw it away or give them back to him. This may hurt knowing that those were the only things you had left of him. That is why you need to get rid of them though. You will feel a sense of accomplishment after you do this and it will be you first step towards healing.
2. Think about all of the good qualities that you have. Make a list of what you love about yourself. When you are done with that list, make another one about all the bad qualities of your ex. Look at both of them and see that he doesn't deserve you, and that your separation was necessary. You will have more self-confidence knowing that your ex is really a jerk or a pig. You will be thankful that you broke up with someone that has the qualities that make him an unfit boyfriend.
3. You must be thinking about all of the good times that you had with him. But you must have some bad times also. Think back to all of the fights and all the times you have wanted to break-up with him. Remember that no one has the right to take over your life. He broke up with you, so he couldn’t see all of the amazing unique traits that you have. He was obviously blind to every single one ofthem.
4. Find support from your friends and family. This will allow you to feel better and quicken the healing process.
5. By this step your confidence should have increased by a whole lot. But if you still don't feel content with everything, confront him.Ask him if you can maintain a friendship, if you are strong enough to stop having romantic feelings for him. If you don't feel like being friends, you can just tell him how you feel and he can either apologize, or just stay quiet and give you yet another reason on why he's a dimwit.
How to Forget Your Ex Girlfriend
Eventually, you've got to let go of your ex-girlfriend so that you can move on to bigger and better things. Here are some steps to get you going.
1. Call your old friends up and ask what they are doing so you could hang out and do guy things.
2. Start a hobby and get really good at it.
3. Take down all her pictures and anything that reminds you of her.
4. Move your furniture around, buy fresh new bedding and paint a wall a new colour to reclaim your space as your space
5. Round up all the ex's belongings in your home and put them somewhere in a bag/box. Just keep them out of sight. Don't worry about getting it to her, you'll only make it an excuse to see her otherwise,
6. It might seem impossible at first, but try flirting with other girls, even if you don't like them. Eventually you'll find one you like.
7. Work out, it may help the pain go away.
1. Call your old friends up and ask what they are doing so you could hang out and do guy things.
2. Start a hobby and get really good at it.
3. Take down all her pictures and anything that reminds you of her.
4. Move your furniture around, buy fresh new bedding and paint a wall a new colour to reclaim your space as your space
5. Round up all the ex's belongings in your home and put them somewhere in a bag/box. Just keep them out of sight. Don't worry about getting it to her, you'll only make it an excuse to see her otherwise,
6. It might seem impossible at first, but try flirting with other girls, even if you don't like them. Eventually you'll find one you like.
7. Work out, it may help the pain go away.
5 Great Tips On How To Get Girls
Among the many emotions that man was destined to experience, it seems that love is the best emotions ever created.
No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.
According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% said that they have dated more than one person at the same time.
However, the concept boils down to the fact that even if dating seems to be the ideal ways to start develop a great relationship founded on true love, still it cannot be directly concluded that the activity is relatively easy.
Take for example the idea of getting a girl. Many boys are having a hard time finding the best strategy to get girls. This is because many boys also have their own fears, especially the fear of rejection.
So for those who want to know how to get a girl and ask her on a date, here are five ways that will surely make you get one and have fun:
1. Create a dazzling personality
According to some statistical reports, almost 30% of the adult population in the U.S. who are engaged into dating activities stated that the most important attribute that they are looking for in a guy is the personality. That is why most girls insist that the looks are not that important, what matters most is the personality of the person.
So if you really want to succeed in getting a girl, try to create an impression first that you have the best personality in the world. This can be projected through your sense of humor, confidence, and the way you carry the conversation with wit.
2. Be cool
The key to getting a girl should not project an air of desperation. Even if you have not dated a girl yet, try to be cool and create an impression that you want to get the girl because you like her and not because you are in desperate need of a partner.
3. Be ready for rejections
The problem with most people, especially guys, is that they have too high expectations when it comes to dating and relationships. In fact, almost 62% of those who are into dating have asserted that the people’s probabilities and expectations are very high these days.
Hence, it is a must that people must learn how to face rejections, especially men, so that getting girls would be easier. Keep in mind that girls can still say no even if you have the best car, good looks, and dazzling personality.
If in case you were not able to get the girl that you want, try to reflect what might have been the cause why she had rejected you. Also, there are still other girls out there that you can turn to, so do not be despaired
4. Consider the “No” of the girl
There are many cases wherein a girl might say “no” for two possible reasons: one is that she does not like you, and the second reason is that she wants to go out with you but not tonight. These are two different situations that must be clearly understood.
The problem with some guys is that they take it personally whenever they receive some forms of rejections. So it is better to analyze the situation and the intention of the girl by saying “NO.”
5. Be casual
The best way to get a girl is to make her feel that the date would be very casual and would not necessarily involve a conventional date or anything that would imply romantic involvement.
What matters most is for the girl to enjoy her time with you such that if both of you stand a chance of having a good relationship in the future, the memory of your first date should have been vested on good recall.
The bottom line is that guys should never make the girls feel pressured in saying “yes” every time they are being asked to go out. What matters most in getting a girl is to make it sure that the person concerned will be comfortable and would feel that she will be in good hands.
About The Author: My Relationship Tips (http://myrelationshipguide.com) is your one stop for relationship advice.
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No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.
According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% said that they have dated more than one person at the same time.
However, the concept boils down to the fact that even if dating seems to be the ideal ways to start develop a great relationship founded on true love, still it cannot be directly concluded that the activity is relatively easy.
Take for example the idea of getting a girl. Many boys are having a hard time finding the best strategy to get girls. This is because many boys also have their own fears, especially the fear of rejection.
So for those who want to know how to get a girl and ask her on a date, here are five ways that will surely make you get one and have fun:
1. Create a dazzling personality
According to some statistical reports, almost 30% of the adult population in the U.S. who are engaged into dating activities stated that the most important attribute that they are looking for in a guy is the personality. That is why most girls insist that the looks are not that important, what matters most is the personality of the person.
So if you really want to succeed in getting a girl, try to create an impression first that you have the best personality in the world. This can be projected through your sense of humor, confidence, and the way you carry the conversation with wit.
2. Be cool
The key to getting a girl should not project an air of desperation. Even if you have not dated a girl yet, try to be cool and create an impression that you want to get the girl because you like her and not because you are in desperate need of a partner.
3. Be ready for rejections
The problem with most people, especially guys, is that they have too high expectations when it comes to dating and relationships. In fact, almost 62% of those who are into dating have asserted that the people’s probabilities and expectations are very high these days.
Hence, it is a must that people must learn how to face rejections, especially men, so that getting girls would be easier. Keep in mind that girls can still say no even if you have the best car, good looks, and dazzling personality.
If in case you were not able to get the girl that you want, try to reflect what might have been the cause why she had rejected you. Also, there are still other girls out there that you can turn to, so do not be despaired
4. Consider the “No” of the girl
There are many cases wherein a girl might say “no” for two possible reasons: one is that she does not like you, and the second reason is that she wants to go out with you but not tonight. These are two different situations that must be clearly understood.
The problem with some guys is that they take it personally whenever they receive some forms of rejections. So it is better to analyze the situation and the intention of the girl by saying “NO.”
5. Be casual
The best way to get a girl is to make her feel that the date would be very casual and would not necessarily involve a conventional date or anything that would imply romantic involvement.
What matters most is for the girl to enjoy her time with you such that if both of you stand a chance of having a good relationship in the future, the memory of your first date should have been vested on good recall.
The bottom line is that guys should never make the girls feel pressured in saying “yes” every time they are being asked to go out. What matters most in getting a girl is to make it sure that the person concerned will be comfortable and would feel that she will be in good hands.
About The Author: My Relationship Tips (http://myrelationshipguide.com) is your one stop for relationship advice.
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How to Find a Boyfriend
15 Tips from Professional Matchmakers
"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match / Find me a find, catch me a catch." We've come a long way from the era depicted in the classic musical Fiddler on the Roof, when parents routinely hired someone to find their adult children a "perfect match." We've now got the freedom to be our own matchmakers, but there's still a catch. It's not always an easy task! Consequently, many singles are enlisting the help of professional cupids whose business is bringing together compatible couples.
Today's matchmakers work hard for their money -- and they demand a lot of it. Prices for these pros run steep, and only a select few singles are affluent enough to afford the service. But you get what you pay for, and matchmakers are selective about their clientele, finding them via referrals as well as by scouring cocktail parties, political fundraising events and charity balls. Then comes an extensive one-on-one interview and background check. "I'm more than a matchmaker. I become a friend to my clients," says New York-based matchmaker Barbra Brooks. "I'm available to them at all times. After each arranged date, I interview both people for feedback, which I pass on -- diplomatically, of course." Over the past 16 years, this personalized approach has resulted in "hundreds of marriages and at least 40 babies," adds Brooks.
No need to be wistful, though, if you can't afford to hire a matchmaker of this caliber. We've asked Brooks and three other exclusive matchmakers for their best tips on how to find love. Here's what they have to say:
1. Be realistic. "If you look like Roseanne, don't fixate on finding a Tom Cruise look-alike," says Brooks. "I also tell women who seem to be on a money hunt -- that is, looking exclusively for men with big bucks -- they'll have to change their attitude if their goal is a long-term relationship. Men can sense right away if you're out for their wallet, not their personality." In the long run, the most priceless attributes you should want in a mate are not looks and/or money but a loving heart, dependable nature and commitment to you.
2. Be a hot mama, not a prospective mama. "Men have a radar for detecting women who are baby hungry," warns Christie Kelleher, director of the New York office of Kelleher & Associates, an upscale matchmaking service for successful professionals. Kelleher, whose service has brought together about 6,000 marriages in 19 years, adds, "He's thinking, 'Whoa -- I don't even know your middle name, and I already know the colors you want to paint your kid's nursery.'" Your best bet: no baby talk!
3. Make dating a priority. Janis Spindel, the self-described "cupid in a Chanel suit" and president of the New York-based Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking service, suggests that clients approach finding the right man as they would a job hunt. The key is to always be prepared because you never know when or where you'll meet someone. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive and plan ahead for interesting conversation. "You also need to change your routine," adds Spindel, who in the last 10 years has brought together more than 300 marriages and 400 monogamous couples. "Don't get your newspaper delivered. You might meet someone at the newsstand."
4. Nix the ex talk. On the first few dates, Brooks advises her clients to ex-cise the desire to tell the new man all about the previous boyfriend. If your ex was fabulous, your date will feel he can't measure up. But if you bash your ex too much, your date could think, Whoops -- she might be talking about me that way in a few months! Similarly, you should be wary of a man who can't stop talking about his former paramour. If he's still hung up on her, his heart has no room for you.
5. Neurotics needn't apply. You both need to be emotionally healthy to forge a successful relationship, says Neil Clark Warren, Ph.D., who founded a cyber matchmaking service called eHarmony.com in 2000. For instance, it's not a good sign if you're in the relationship primarily because you're frightened of being alone. It's equally bad if your guy looks as longingly at the gin bottle as he does at you. Or if he's morbidly depressed. Don't fall into the codependent trap and think you can "heal" him. It's smarter to look for a man who doesn't need healing.
6. Mind your manners. Men are understandably appalled when their bright, attractive, funny date suddenly does something tacky like ripping a piece of bread in half and putting the other half back in the bread basket or applying lipstick at the table. "Men also find it gauche when the woman calls for the check," says Brooks. "The man wants to do the summoning of the waiter and the paying of the bill." Spindel also warns against a few more etiquette faux pas: "Be on time, shut off your cell phone, look him in the eye, not down at the floor. Don't ask him too many questions about his job. He'll think you're a gold digger." You don't need to be Emily Post, but if you display the sensitivity of a lamppost, don't be surprised if the first date is the last one.
7. Similarity breeds success. "This doesn't mean you've got to marry your clone. But when you're getting to know someone, ask yourself if you and he have the same core values," says Warren, also the author of Date...or Soul Mate? How to Know If Someone Is Worth Pursuing in Two Dates or Less. "Think money, intelligence, lifestyle and sense of humor," he says. And think really hard if your major life goals mix well. Both of you need to agree on the merits or disadvantages of marriage, making babies and whether to aspire to living in a tree house or a penthouse. These are things that you can start finding out in as little as a date or two.
8. Present a challenge. "Let the guy know you like him, but don't take his initial interest as a signal to latch on to him right away," Kelleher suggests. She points out that "three dates do not a relationship make." We're not talking The Rules here -- don't hesitate to return his call in a timely fashion. But don't build your social life around him (for example, keep your Friday night theater subscription with your friend Beth) and don't press him to talk about his "feelings." Do make it clear that while he's a welcome addition to your life, he is not the whole enchilada. This is all subject to change after you have been dating awhile and the relationship has become more serious.
9. Don't be a babbling brook. Sure, you've got a host of charming stories, but save some for the second date. "Men really want to occasionally get a word in edgewise," says Brooks. Women should pace themselves and think of about two to three great stories to tell on their date. But don't go overboard talking about yourself!
10. Sunny side up. "My male clients bemoan the lack of warmth that women project," says Kelleher. "Guys say many women clearly don't want their date to give them a hug or open the door." Lower your guard, flex those lips into a smile and be nice.
11. Be a girl. Leave your professional persona at the office. "My male clients also complain that women often come across as masculine -- dressing in stiff suits and debating their date on everything from what wine to order to world affairs to who gets the check," says Kelleher. (Let him.) In other words: It's a date, not a boxing match.
12. Look beyond his good looks. Don't be dazzled by a handsome face and buff bod. Is this guy worthy of winning your heart? "How good is he at relationships? How does he treat his mother? How does he get along with siblings, cousins and friends?" asks Brooks. If the answer to those questions is not too well, take heed. Once he is confident of your affections, he might revert to type and treat you like everyone else he "cares" about.
13. Be mindful of that ole black magic. At first glance you felt more of an urge to hold his hand than jump his bones? That's not a terrible sign: Physical attraction can deepen as you really get to know and trust each other. But there must be an ember of initial attraction to build from. Without any chemistry, Warren says, you're better off as friends.
14. Hold out before having sex. Spindel is adamant that you should forego sex at least for a little while. The matchmaker feels that until your guy is ready to commit at least part of his soul, you're better off not committing your entire body. Her rationale: "Ideally you should wait until you've had the discussion about not seeing other people. That way you're sure he's operating more out of love than lust."
15. Go with the flow. The real key to making it as a couple, says Warren, is that both people are willing to compromise. If one or both partners must always have their way and are threatened by even small changes, trouble will soon be brewing. For example, if he suddenly has to work late on a night you were hoping to cook him dinner, be understanding of his need to be flexible and have him come over for coffee instead of the main course. Of course, he should be really sorry for the change in plans and should want to make it up to you.
"Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match / Find me a find, catch me a catch." We've come a long way from the era depicted in the classic musical Fiddler on the Roof, when parents routinely hired someone to find their adult children a "perfect match." We've now got the freedom to be our own matchmakers, but there's still a catch. It's not always an easy task! Consequently, many singles are enlisting the help of professional cupids whose business is bringing together compatible couples.
Today's matchmakers work hard for their money -- and they demand a lot of it. Prices for these pros run steep, and only a select few singles are affluent enough to afford the service. But you get what you pay for, and matchmakers are selective about their clientele, finding them via referrals as well as by scouring cocktail parties, political fundraising events and charity balls. Then comes an extensive one-on-one interview and background check. "I'm more than a matchmaker. I become a friend to my clients," says New York-based matchmaker Barbra Brooks. "I'm available to them at all times. After each arranged date, I interview both people for feedback, which I pass on -- diplomatically, of course." Over the past 16 years, this personalized approach has resulted in "hundreds of marriages and at least 40 babies," adds Brooks.
No need to be wistful, though, if you can't afford to hire a matchmaker of this caliber. We've asked Brooks and three other exclusive matchmakers for their best tips on how to find love. Here's what they have to say:
1. Be realistic. "If you look like Roseanne, don't fixate on finding a Tom Cruise look-alike," says Brooks. "I also tell women who seem to be on a money hunt -- that is, looking exclusively for men with big bucks -- they'll have to change their attitude if their goal is a long-term relationship. Men can sense right away if you're out for their wallet, not their personality." In the long run, the most priceless attributes you should want in a mate are not looks and/or money but a loving heart, dependable nature and commitment to you.
2. Be a hot mama, not a prospective mama. "Men have a radar for detecting women who are baby hungry," warns Christie Kelleher, director of the New York office of Kelleher & Associates, an upscale matchmaking service for successful professionals. Kelleher, whose service has brought together about 6,000 marriages in 19 years, adds, "He's thinking, 'Whoa -- I don't even know your middle name, and I already know the colors you want to paint your kid's nursery.'" Your best bet: no baby talk!
3. Make dating a priority. Janis Spindel, the self-described "cupid in a Chanel suit" and president of the New York-based Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking service, suggests that clients approach finding the right man as they would a job hunt. The key is to always be prepared because you never know when or where you'll meet someone. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive and plan ahead for interesting conversation. "You also need to change your routine," adds Spindel, who in the last 10 years has brought together more than 300 marriages and 400 monogamous couples. "Don't get your newspaper delivered. You might meet someone at the newsstand."
4. Nix the ex talk. On the first few dates, Brooks advises her clients to ex-cise the desire to tell the new man all about the previous boyfriend. If your ex was fabulous, your date will feel he can't measure up. But if you bash your ex too much, your date could think, Whoops -- she might be talking about me that way in a few months! Similarly, you should be wary of a man who can't stop talking about his former paramour. If he's still hung up on her, his heart has no room for you.
5. Neurotics needn't apply. You both need to be emotionally healthy to forge a successful relationship, says Neil Clark Warren, Ph.D., who founded a cyber matchmaking service called eHarmony.com in 2000. For instance, it's not a good sign if you're in the relationship primarily because you're frightened of being alone. It's equally bad if your guy looks as longingly at the gin bottle as he does at you. Or if he's morbidly depressed. Don't fall into the codependent trap and think you can "heal" him. It's smarter to look for a man who doesn't need healing.
6. Mind your manners. Men are understandably appalled when their bright, attractive, funny date suddenly does something tacky like ripping a piece of bread in half and putting the other half back in the bread basket or applying lipstick at the table. "Men also find it gauche when the woman calls for the check," says Brooks. "The man wants to do the summoning of the waiter and the paying of the bill." Spindel also warns against a few more etiquette faux pas: "Be on time, shut off your cell phone, look him in the eye, not down at the floor. Don't ask him too many questions about his job. He'll think you're a gold digger." You don't need to be Emily Post, but if you display the sensitivity of a lamppost, don't be surprised if the first date is the last one.
7. Similarity breeds success. "This doesn't mean you've got to marry your clone. But when you're getting to know someone, ask yourself if you and he have the same core values," says Warren, also the author of Date...or Soul Mate? How to Know If Someone Is Worth Pursuing in Two Dates or Less. "Think money, intelligence, lifestyle and sense of humor," he says. And think really hard if your major life goals mix well. Both of you need to agree on the merits or disadvantages of marriage, making babies and whether to aspire to living in a tree house or a penthouse. These are things that you can start finding out in as little as a date or two.
8. Present a challenge. "Let the guy know you like him, but don't take his initial interest as a signal to latch on to him right away," Kelleher suggests. She points out that "three dates do not a relationship make." We're not talking The Rules here -- don't hesitate to return his call in a timely fashion. But don't build your social life around him (for example, keep your Friday night theater subscription with your friend Beth) and don't press him to talk about his "feelings." Do make it clear that while he's a welcome addition to your life, he is not the whole enchilada. This is all subject to change after you have been dating awhile and the relationship has become more serious.
9. Don't be a babbling brook. Sure, you've got a host of charming stories, but save some for the second date. "Men really want to occasionally get a word in edgewise," says Brooks. Women should pace themselves and think of about two to three great stories to tell on their date. But don't go overboard talking about yourself!
10. Sunny side up. "My male clients bemoan the lack of warmth that women project," says Kelleher. "Guys say many women clearly don't want their date to give them a hug or open the door." Lower your guard, flex those lips into a smile and be nice.
11. Be a girl. Leave your professional persona at the office. "My male clients also complain that women often come across as masculine -- dressing in stiff suits and debating their date on everything from what wine to order to world affairs to who gets the check," says Kelleher. (Let him.) In other words: It's a date, not a boxing match.
12. Look beyond his good looks. Don't be dazzled by a handsome face and buff bod. Is this guy worthy of winning your heart? "How good is he at relationships? How does he treat his mother? How does he get along with siblings, cousins and friends?" asks Brooks. If the answer to those questions is not too well, take heed. Once he is confident of your affections, he might revert to type and treat you like everyone else he "cares" about.
13. Be mindful of that ole black magic. At first glance you felt more of an urge to hold his hand than jump his bones? That's not a terrible sign: Physical attraction can deepen as you really get to know and trust each other. But there must be an ember of initial attraction to build from. Without any chemistry, Warren says, you're better off as friends.
14. Hold out before having sex. Spindel is adamant that you should forego sex at least for a little while. The matchmaker feels that until your guy is ready to commit at least part of his soul, you're better off not committing your entire body. Her rationale: "Ideally you should wait until you've had the discussion about not seeing other people. That way you're sure he's operating more out of love than lust."
15. Go with the flow. The real key to making it as a couple, says Warren, is that both people are willing to compromise. If one or both partners must always have their way and are threatened by even small changes, trouble will soon be brewing. For example, if he suddenly has to work late on a night you were hoping to cook him dinner, be understanding of his need to be flexible and have him come over for coffee instead of the main course. Of course, he should be really sorry for the change in plans and should want to make it up to you.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tips On Selling Computer Laptop Parts
Theres a saying that goes like this, “Someone elses trash is somebody elses treasure”, and while that adage holds true with selling your laptops components, you can also get some spare change from the transaction. And really, who wouldnt want to acquire some cash while being able to get rid of unwanted objects that would only cause clutter inside your house?
And selling your computer can also make the world a better place. In a generation where climate change is a trending topic, it would be best if you help out by selling your unwanted junk rather than throwing them away. The E-waste issue is a serious matter that should be dealt with in any form possible.
If you are ready to sell your laptop, here are the tips that you should best keep in mind:
1. Decide first if you are going to sell the separate components of your laptop or sell it as a whole unit. One thing to consider is that selling the individual parts will make more money, so you might as well take advantage if you have adequate technical knowledge of the components functions and have ample familiarity of the costs in the market. If you dont worry much about the additional cash youll earn and just want to sell the laptop as a whole unit, you can do that too.
2. Even if youre familiar with the standard costs of a laptops components, checking the pricing trend is still very much important. You can search the products and their pricing lists through online auctions like eBay and Best Buy. Check multiple items to have a solid standard of comparison. Once you do this, you are ensuring that you are not getting the short end of the stick once youve set a price to each of the items youre going to sell.
3. Post the items youre going to sell on auction sites. List the product type, brand name, model, price, and other information that will provide all the necessary information potential buyers need to know. Taking a nice photo of the merchandise and posting it is also very important for visual presentation.
4. If your local newspaper has a wide reach in your community, you can consider posting an advertisement about what youre selling. Dont give it the time of day if the publication doesnt have a wide audience. Remember, you also have to pay for the advertisement so it might not be worth it.
5. If you dont really want to go through the hassle of looking for the best buyer, its probably best if you look for friends and relatives that might want the specific parts that you have in possession. This process is much easier. After all, what are friends for?
So consider all the points mentioned above before making decision on how you want to go about selling your laptop components. If you do this, you are not only helping people and the environment, you are also helping yourself.
And selling your computer can also make the world a better place. In a generation where climate change is a trending topic, it would be best if you help out by selling your unwanted junk rather than throwing them away. The E-waste issue is a serious matter that should be dealt with in any form possible.
If you are ready to sell your laptop, here are the tips that you should best keep in mind:
1. Decide first if you are going to sell the separate components of your laptop or sell it as a whole unit. One thing to consider is that selling the individual parts will make more money, so you might as well take advantage if you have adequate technical knowledge of the components functions and have ample familiarity of the costs in the market. If you dont worry much about the additional cash youll earn and just want to sell the laptop as a whole unit, you can do that too.
2. Even if youre familiar with the standard costs of a laptops components, checking the pricing trend is still very much important. You can search the products and their pricing lists through online auctions like eBay and Best Buy. Check multiple items to have a solid standard of comparison. Once you do this, you are ensuring that you are not getting the short end of the stick once youve set a price to each of the items youre going to sell.
3. Post the items youre going to sell on auction sites. List the product type, brand name, model, price, and other information that will provide all the necessary information potential buyers need to know. Taking a nice photo of the merchandise and posting it is also very important for visual presentation.
4. If your local newspaper has a wide reach in your community, you can consider posting an advertisement about what youre selling. Dont give it the time of day if the publication doesnt have a wide audience. Remember, you also have to pay for the advertisement so it might not be worth it.
5. If you dont really want to go through the hassle of looking for the best buyer, its probably best if you look for friends and relatives that might want the specific parts that you have in possession. This process is much easier. After all, what are friends for?
So consider all the points mentioned above before making decision on how you want to go about selling your laptop components. If you do this, you are not only helping people and the environment, you are also helping yourself.
Tips On How To Replace Laptop Hard Drives Effectively
Do not ever rush into immediately replacing your laptop hard drive if you or an expert has not yet troubleshoot the problem. The very first thing you must do when trying to replace the hard drives of your laptop is to remove the battery.
Two Types Of Action In Replacing Hard Drives
Hard drive replacement in laptops entails two types of action. One is easier which is by the “access” action or the “bringing the entire laptop apart” action. Various models and brands of laptops would determine which action you are supposed to take for your laptop. For models that require the access action, first you expose the hard drive which is hidden at the back of a detachable panel on the lower part of the laptop. This you have to take out by removing the screw with a screw driver, of course.
Look at it closely and you will see that the hard drive depends on the cage where its attached to. It is actually the power data, the data connector on one end and the spring steel tab on another end that protects both the hard drive and the cage. Here are some tips on how to properly replace your laptops hard drive.
Removing The Cage From The Old Drive
Unscrew and take away the cage. Make sure you will remember how to put the cage back after you have finished replacing the hard drive. Because you will need to mount it back the same way you found it. At the time your hard drive has already been mounted in the cage, you may then start dong the reassembly for the whole cage.
Reassembly Of The Laptop Hard Drive
Make sure that you maintain the drive on a position that is on a shallow angle. In other words, make sure that when you put the hard drive, it is close to the laptops bottom. You may do this while you slide all the pins into the connector.
Hard Drives Slim And Light: Need Extra Care When Putting Them Back
Also, be careful when putting the laptop hard drive because laptop hard drives are known for not being so hardy and sturdy. In fact, they are extremely slim and very light that you do not need to exert any more mechanical pressure on them.
This is why hard drive replacement has become quite a nerve-racking activity for some people, especially those who have not tried doing it before. The key is, do not ever apply any force on it, and you will be able to do this task just fine.
Restoration CD For Your Laptop
Now, the last step would be to replace the lid or cover in your laptop hard drive by using a long screw, and then simply attach it again to the laptops bottom. There is an emergency restoration for the CD that goes with the laptop. And this is used to reload every software you need on your desktop. However, you always have to have back-up of all your data as they cannot be restored by this restoration CD.
Two Types Of Action In Replacing Hard Drives
Hard drive replacement in laptops entails two types of action. One is easier which is by the “access” action or the “bringing the entire laptop apart” action. Various models and brands of laptops would determine which action you are supposed to take for your laptop. For models that require the access action, first you expose the hard drive which is hidden at the back of a detachable panel on the lower part of the laptop. This you have to take out by removing the screw with a screw driver, of course.
Look at it closely and you will see that the hard drive depends on the cage where its attached to. It is actually the power data, the data connector on one end and the spring steel tab on another end that protects both the hard drive and the cage. Here are some tips on how to properly replace your laptops hard drive.
Removing The Cage From The Old Drive
Unscrew and take away the cage. Make sure you will remember how to put the cage back after you have finished replacing the hard drive. Because you will need to mount it back the same way you found it. At the time your hard drive has already been mounted in the cage, you may then start dong the reassembly for the whole cage.
Reassembly Of The Laptop Hard Drive
Make sure that you maintain the drive on a position that is on a shallow angle. In other words, make sure that when you put the hard drive, it is close to the laptops bottom. You may do this while you slide all the pins into the connector.
Hard Drives Slim And Light: Need Extra Care When Putting Them Back
Also, be careful when putting the laptop hard drive because laptop hard drives are known for not being so hardy and sturdy. In fact, they are extremely slim and very light that you do not need to exert any more mechanical pressure on them.
This is why hard drive replacement has become quite a nerve-racking activity for some people, especially those who have not tried doing it before. The key is, do not ever apply any force on it, and you will be able to do this task just fine.
Restoration CD For Your Laptop
Now, the last step would be to replace the lid or cover in your laptop hard drive by using a long screw, and then simply attach it again to the laptops bottom. There is an emergency restoration for the CD that goes with the laptop. And this is used to reload every software you need on your desktop. However, you always have to have back-up of all your data as they cannot be restored by this restoration CD.
Tips On Properly Cleaning Your Laptop Keyboard
How will you make sure that you are cleaning your laptop keyboard properly? There are countless of advices from the Internet as to how one must clean his sticky laptop keyboard. Keyboards, whether for laptop or desktop, deserve proper cleaning. This you may start properly by lubricating your keyboard back to the smooth performance it had while it was newly acquired.
Most of the time, you will notice that the keys will stick, right? This may be attributed to drink spills on the keyboard, natural wearing off of the keyboard components, rubber pieces inside responsible for the snappy action when typing is weakened, and the most common, which is the dirt caused by dust and hair falls. Here are some tips on how you may resolve your problems with your keyboard and bring it back to its excellent operation.
Bringing Back Your Laptop Keyboard Back To Perfection
First, simply collect the cleaning materials that you will need. These will include some cotton swabs, cleaning ads made from rubber foams, paper towels, water and alcohol, lighter fluid and some scissors and tweezers, a kitchen strainer, a spray can of the Super Lube Dry Film spray which is indispensable and has to be there when you start cleaning. You may also grab a PTFE–based lubricant which is known to dry fast very much suitable for this procedure.
Steps In Cleaning Your LApTop Keyboard
1.Disassemble The Laptop Keyboard
You must first make a keyboard map for yourself so as to not lose any key that you take out from the keyboard. Cautiously take out each key and keep safe in a container. Remember not to use too much force as you might not be able to put keys back again. Small rubber pieces you find, simply keep in another container so as not to get lost.
2. Start Cleaning The Keyboard
Start cleaning your laptop keyboard using cotton swabs slightly moistened with water. Make sure they are just slightly moist because if too wet with water, surely the water will contaminate the keyboard and might damage the keyboard. This will guarantee cleaning up on all contaminants such as the soda or coffee or chocolate crumbles that spilled.
For the very hard to reach areas of the keyboard, get foam rubbers and cut them into tiny pieces. Using the tweezers to hold them, you can better clean these hard-to-penetrate areas of the keyboard. Make sure though that these rubber foam pieces are always slightly dampened with water.
3. Repeat Same Procedure Using Alcohol
Repeat the same procedure using cotton swabs dipped in alcohol next. Never use rubber foams with alcohol since they will disintegrate with alcohol. After using alcohol, you have to again repeat the same procedure using lighter fluid with small pieces of foam rubber and tweezers. This will make sure that all oil-based contaminants are removed from each key.
4. Clean Each Key Of Your Keyboard
First, clean each key with cotton buds and lighter fluid to eliminate all petroleum-based contaminants. With all keys placed in a strainer, spray with household cleaner and leave for 5 minutes after which you will rinse using warm water and drying with paper towels to dry completely. Then you must make sure to clean all rubber components, lubricate all the keys using the Super Lube Dry Film lubricant and finally, lubricating the keyboard by doing the same thing as lubricating the keys.
Now, you will have a perfectly cleaned and lubricated laptop keyboard again!
Most of the time, you will notice that the keys will stick, right? This may be attributed to drink spills on the keyboard, natural wearing off of the keyboard components, rubber pieces inside responsible for the snappy action when typing is weakened, and the most common, which is the dirt caused by dust and hair falls. Here are some tips on how you may resolve your problems with your keyboard and bring it back to its excellent operation.
Bringing Back Your Laptop Keyboard Back To Perfection
First, simply collect the cleaning materials that you will need. These will include some cotton swabs, cleaning ads made from rubber foams, paper towels, water and alcohol, lighter fluid and some scissors and tweezers, a kitchen strainer, a spray can of the Super Lube Dry Film spray which is indispensable and has to be there when you start cleaning. You may also grab a PTFE–based lubricant which is known to dry fast very much suitable for this procedure.
Steps In Cleaning Your LApTop Keyboard
1.Disassemble The Laptop Keyboard
You must first make a keyboard map for yourself so as to not lose any key that you take out from the keyboard. Cautiously take out each key and keep safe in a container. Remember not to use too much force as you might not be able to put keys back again. Small rubber pieces you find, simply keep in another container so as not to get lost.
2. Start Cleaning The Keyboard
Start cleaning your laptop keyboard using cotton swabs slightly moistened with water. Make sure they are just slightly moist because if too wet with water, surely the water will contaminate the keyboard and might damage the keyboard. This will guarantee cleaning up on all contaminants such as the soda or coffee or chocolate crumbles that spilled.
For the very hard to reach areas of the keyboard, get foam rubbers and cut them into tiny pieces. Using the tweezers to hold them, you can better clean these hard-to-penetrate areas of the keyboard. Make sure though that these rubber foam pieces are always slightly dampened with water.
3. Repeat Same Procedure Using Alcohol
Repeat the same procedure using cotton swabs dipped in alcohol next. Never use rubber foams with alcohol since they will disintegrate with alcohol. After using alcohol, you have to again repeat the same procedure using lighter fluid with small pieces of foam rubber and tweezers. This will make sure that all oil-based contaminants are removed from each key.
4. Clean Each Key Of Your Keyboard
First, clean each key with cotton buds and lighter fluid to eliminate all petroleum-based contaminants. With all keys placed in a strainer, spray with household cleaner and leave for 5 minutes after which you will rinse using warm water and drying with paper towels to dry completely. Then you must make sure to clean all rubber components, lubricate all the keys using the Super Lube Dry Film lubricant and finally, lubricating the keyboard by doing the same thing as lubricating the keys.
Now, you will have a perfectly cleaned and lubricated laptop keyboard again!
Tips When Buying A Memory Upgrade For Your Laptop
If you really want to boost your laptops memory, go for a memory upgrade! Make sure you do not jump in to any impulsive decisions and hastily buy a computer memory without having to check out all details first. Research on how you will get the memory upgrades most suitable to boost the performance of your laptop.
But before you finally decide on adding memory to your system, make sure you know the appropriate memory your system uses, as well as the module sizes of your laptops memory and everything that goes with your computer system.
Check How Much Memory You Have
Check your laptops BIOs or operating system to determine how much memory your laptop really has. For Windows applications, simply go to the Windows Control Panel and open the System properties. Experts say you also need to open up the case even though the computer is not being used.
Then you must look for the memory slots to find out the exact number of modules installed and how many are still available. Should you find that the slots are still full, you can take some out or if there is less, put on some more. However, you should check for the type of module you are using. It is important that you know if your system can use more and bigger modules.
How Much More Memory Do You Need?
First, check all your application programs as well as the operating system in your laptop. Find out if there is a print saying “Minimum” and “Recommended” or a memory list that on the package or perhaps in the manual. If there is, check the number from the “Recommended” part. Then that gives you enough information before you plan and try getting your memory upgrade for your laptop.
Check The Type Of Memory Your Computer Supports
Browse through the manuals which came with your motherboard when you bought it. There should be a listing of all the specifications as well as the provisions of the type of memory your laptop supports. This is very much important because the list would include the size, the type as well as the corresponding number of memory modules that are there in your system. In case, you have thrown them or simply cannot find them, immediately go to your local retailers and manufacturers of memory chips. They will surely have all these information handy for you.
Decide On How Many Memory Modules You Should Buy
The best thing to do is to buy not so many, but just a few memory modules as possible. Why? Because you are not certain about how much memory upgrade you need to create in your laptop. And this will only make you upgrade for better memory every now and then. Therefore, this brings us to believe that if you have three memory slots available in your system, one has the 1GB module written on it, it would be the best decision to purchase another 1GB module to make it 2GB module now.
This is more practical to the part of consumers since you do not have to buy two of the 512MB modules anymore.
But before you finally decide on adding memory to your system, make sure you know the appropriate memory your system uses, as well as the module sizes of your laptops memory and everything that goes with your computer system.
Check How Much Memory You Have
Check your laptops BIOs or operating system to determine how much memory your laptop really has. For Windows applications, simply go to the Windows Control Panel and open the System properties. Experts say you also need to open up the case even though the computer is not being used.
Then you must look for the memory slots to find out the exact number of modules installed and how many are still available. Should you find that the slots are still full, you can take some out or if there is less, put on some more. However, you should check for the type of module you are using. It is important that you know if your system can use more and bigger modules.
How Much More Memory Do You Need?
First, check all your application programs as well as the operating system in your laptop. Find out if there is a print saying “Minimum” and “Recommended” or a memory list that on the package or perhaps in the manual. If there is, check the number from the “Recommended” part. Then that gives you enough information before you plan and try getting your memory upgrade for your laptop.
Check The Type Of Memory Your Computer Supports
Browse through the manuals which came with your motherboard when you bought it. There should be a listing of all the specifications as well as the provisions of the type of memory your laptop supports. This is very much important because the list would include the size, the type as well as the corresponding number of memory modules that are there in your system. In case, you have thrown them or simply cannot find them, immediately go to your local retailers and manufacturers of memory chips. They will surely have all these information handy for you.
Decide On How Many Memory Modules You Should Buy
The best thing to do is to buy not so many, but just a few memory modules as possible. Why? Because you are not certain about how much memory upgrade you need to create in your laptop. And this will only make you upgrade for better memory every now and then. Therefore, this brings us to believe that if you have three memory slots available in your system, one has the 1GB module written on it, it would be the best decision to purchase another 1GB module to make it 2GB module now.
This is more practical to the part of consumers since you do not have to buy two of the 512MB modules anymore.
Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist
Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist offers a unique combination of ease-of-use, traditional scrapbooking techniques, and truly realistic-looking results. Now you can quickly and easily transform your photos and memories into wonderfully personal artwork that you will cherish forever.
Preserve life special moments-beautifully
* Suitable for all scrapbookers, novice to expert
* Create beautiful photorealistic pages
* Incredibly easy to use, fun and fast
* Unlimited creativity for unique designs
* Share with family and friends
Easily Create Handcrafted Designs on your PC
Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist is just what you have been waiting for–a way to combine your creativity and passion for celebrating and treasuring life special moments. At last, novices and accomplished scrapbookers can easily create outstanding photorealistic results that look every bit as lifelike as traditional handcrafted scrapbooks.
For detail product you can see this is: Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist.
Preserve life special moments-beautifully
* Suitable for all scrapbookers, novice to expert
* Create beautiful photorealistic pages
* Incredibly easy to use, fun and fast
* Unlimited creativity for unique designs
* Share with family and friends
Easily Create Handcrafted Designs on your PC
Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist is just what you have been waiting for–a way to combine your creativity and passion for celebrating and treasuring life special moments. At last, novices and accomplished scrapbookers can easily create outstanding photorealistic results that look every bit as lifelike as traditional handcrafted scrapbooks.
For detail product you can see this is: Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist.
Safari Baby Bedding
Jungle safari baby bedding has quickly become a staple in millions of nurseries, due in great part to the fact that this charming theme always results in a beautiful, visually stimulating child friendly space.
Whether your furnishings reflect a love of country design, or a preference for contemporary flair, or something else entirely, you will quickly discover that the baby bedding market offers linens that will reflect your style while ensuring babys safety and comfort.
While narrowing your search, pay attention to the basic features of the linens you have targeted for purchase. Make sure that the sheets and blankets comport to standard crib and toddler bed dimensions, and it is advisable that you only select bedding that use hypoallergenic materials. Bedding sets are available in different sizes, the smaller of which typically contain all essential linens, while larger collections include matching accessories.
Jungle safari baby bedding has grown in popularity for nurseries simply because it is a theme that children will love and is not only charming but visually stimulating for them as well.
Safari baby bedding linens can be very subdued and traditional or joyously colorful and abstract, but they all prominently display images of Savannah and jungle fauna.
Whether your furnishings reflect a love of country design, or a preference for contemporary flair, or something else entirely, you will quickly discover that the baby bedding market offers linens that will reflect your style while ensuring babys safety and comfort.
While narrowing your search, pay attention to the basic features of the linens you have targeted for purchase. Make sure that the sheets and blankets comport to standard crib and toddler bed dimensions, and it is advisable that you only select bedding that use hypoallergenic materials. Bedding sets are available in different sizes, the smaller of which typically contain all essential linens, while larger collections include matching accessories.
Jungle safari baby bedding has grown in popularity for nurseries simply because it is a theme that children will love and is not only charming but visually stimulating for them as well.
Safari baby bedding linens can be very subdued and traditional or joyously colorful and abstract, but they all prominently display images of Savannah and jungle fauna.
Idea For Srapbooking
Anyone can Coming up with idea for scrapbooking. Sure with learn, action or practice and imagination.
If you want coming up idea for scrapbooking you can looking at News paper, Article in internet, your friends scrapbook or you can also with to other. I am sure this is can helps you get ideas for scrapbooks you might want to make. But if you want make a scrapbooking original. Sure, you can have make a scrapbooking with you write from your idea and own creativity.
This is way to create if you want idea for scrapbooking, way to: you can looking at in birthday, holiday, party or other you may not have realized scrapbook with to you forgot to scrapbook. With memo you will come up with great scrapbook ideas or layout ideas.
At the time when You will make ideas for scrapbooking or layout ideas. I suggest you look at your materials. This is will save your time and certain will make your work more efficient and effective.
If you want coming up idea for scrapbooking you can looking at News paper, Article in internet, your friends scrapbook or you can also with to other. I am sure this is can helps you get ideas for scrapbooks you might want to make. But if you want make a scrapbooking original. Sure, you can have make a scrapbooking with you write from your idea and own creativity.
This is way to create if you want idea for scrapbooking, way to: you can looking at in birthday, holiday, party or other you may not have realized scrapbook with to you forgot to scrapbook. With memo you will come up with great scrapbook ideas or layout ideas.
At the time when You will make ideas for scrapbooking or layout ideas. I suggest you look at your materials. This is will save your time and certain will make your work more efficient and effective.
Scrapbooking Page Layout Ideas
Scrapbooking Page Layout Tips and Tricks
You may get your scrapbooking page layout ideas from looking at other scrapbooks or you may design your own layout. Most people who create scrapbooks own a digital camera because it makes it much easier to crop and edit the pictures and you can print them out at home as well.
Before you construct your scrapbooking page layout ideas, make sure you have gathered and printed all of the pictures you will use in your album. Keep in mind, though, that family members treasure items that contain the hand writing of loved ones.
If you find a scrapbooking page layout that you like online, check to see if it is available as a download. There are numerous sites that offer free scrapbooking supplies, both for digital and traditional scrapbooking. Overall, the best tip regarding any scrapbooking page layout is simply to take your time and have fun!
(Executive Summary about Scrapbooking Page Layout Ideas by Debra Botting)
You may get your scrapbooking page layout ideas from looking at other scrapbooks or you may design your own layout. Most people who create scrapbooks own a digital camera because it makes it much easier to crop and edit the pictures and you can print them out at home as well.
Before you construct your scrapbooking page layout ideas, make sure you have gathered and printed all of the pictures you will use in your album. Keep in mind, though, that family members treasure items that contain the hand writing of loved ones.
If you find a scrapbooking page layout that you like online, check to see if it is available as a download. There are numerous sites that offer free scrapbooking supplies, both for digital and traditional scrapbooking. Overall, the best tip regarding any scrapbooking page layout is simply to take your time and have fun!
(Executive Summary about Scrapbooking Page Layout Ideas by Debra Botting)
Baby Scrapbooking Ideas, Creating the Perfect Album
Executive Summary about Baby Scrapbooking Ideas By Michelle Cardello
Two important baby scrapbook ideas to bear in mind are physical changes and milestones. Here are some baby scrapbook ideas, which will help you organize your material.
1. Begin the baby scrapbook journey during your pregnancy.
Start with photos from baby showers and early ultrasounds. Doctors, nurses, visitors? Record it for all time in your baby scrapbook.
2. The baby scrapbook must reflect emotion.
You want to smile and maybe even cry whenever you look at your baby scrapbook. Some baby scrapbooking ideas might include: how the baby got his or her name, what does the name mean, how often did he or she cry, where did he or she sleep, did the baby sleep through the night and how did the little one react around people? 3. Decorate your baby scrapbook with items that are baby-related.
Capture all these moments of baby first year with pictures and journaling. Still another effective baby scrapbooking idea for ribbon might involve scraps, which could be made into bows and used to cover a spiral binding.
Your baby will only be an infant for a moment in time. Capture it for always with a memorable baby scrapbook. Use these baby scrapbooking ideas, and as you do you will certainly come up with ideas of your own. Times a wasting!
Two important baby scrapbook ideas to bear in mind are physical changes and milestones. Here are some baby scrapbook ideas, which will help you organize your material.
1. Begin the baby scrapbook journey during your pregnancy.
Start with photos from baby showers and early ultrasounds. Record it for all time in your baby scrapbook.
2. The baby scrapbook must reflect emotion.
3. Decorate your baby scrapbook with items that are baby-related.
Capture all these moments of baby first year with pictures and journaling. Your baby will only be an infant for a moment in time. Capture it for always with a memorable baby scrapbook. Use these baby scrapbooking ideas, and as you do you will certainly come up with ideas of your own. Times a wasting!
Scrapbook Ideas for Your Baby Album
Executive Summary about Baby Scrapbooking Ideas By Lisa Fleming
A great way to start the album is by matting a 5″x7″ or 8″x10″ of yours baby hospital photo on the first page.
If you had multiple ultrasounds during your pregnancy, include pictures from different points in time so you can see how your baby was growing. Include photos of the nursery all ready and waiting for baby; take pictures from different angles to show everything in the room.
Those first pictures taken of your baby after the birth are some of the most precious ones you will ever have. You can put memorabilia such as the footprint card, bassinet name tag and baby id bracelet on these pages. Include key information/statistics in your journaling – baby full name, date, day, time, weight, length, details about your labor, name of the doctor/midwife, etc.
Mom, Dad and Baby
It is wonderful to have a page with pictures of just the three of you – Mom, Dad and Baby – and then include siblings, grandparents, etc. on other pages. Journal about how you felt upon meeting your baby for the first time, whether your baby resembled anyone in the family, how your baby reacted to hearing your voice, etc.
Once you have a page or two of Mom, Dad and Baby photos, it is time to include the siblings if your baby has any. Capture how excited they are to meet their new baby brother/sister and how proud they are to be big brothers/big sisters.
The New Family
Be sure to include a picture of everyone (Mom, Dad, siblings) with the new baby, plus a picture of the whole family.
In addition to having photos of the visitors that came to meet your baby at the hospital, you will also want to have pictures of the visitors at your home. Siblings
If your baby has siblings, you can make a separate page for each sibling with lots of photos of the big brother/big sister with the new baby. If your baby is lucky enough to meet his/her great-grandparents, have a page or two with pictures of them holding the baby.
Two important baby scrapbook ideas to bear in mind are physical changes and milestones. Here are some baby scrapbook ideas, which will help you organize your material.
1. Begin the baby scrapbook journey during your pregnancy.
Start with photos from baby showers and early ultrasounds. Doctors, nurses, visitors? Record it for all time in your baby scrapbook.
2. The baby scrapbook must reflect emotion.
You want to smile and maybe even cry whenever you look at your baby scrapbook. Some baby scrapbooking ideas might include: how the baby got his or her name, what does the name mean, how often did he or she cry, where did he or she sleep, did the baby sleep through the night and how did the little one react around people? 3. Decorate your baby scrapbook with items that are baby-related.
Capture all these moments of baby first year with pictures and journaling. Still another effective baby scrapbooking idea for ribbon might involve scraps, which could be made into bows and used to cover a spiral binding.
Your baby will only be an infant for a moment in time. Capture it for always with a memorable baby scrapbook. Use these baby scrapbooking ideas, and as you do you will certainly come up with ideas of your own. Times a wasting!
Two important baby scrapbook ideas to bear in mind are physical changes and milestones. Here are some baby scrapbook ideas, which will help you organize your material.
1. Begin the baby scrapbook journey during your pregnancy.
Start with photos from baby showers and early ultrasounds. Record it for all time in your baby scrapbook.
2. The baby scrapbook must reflect emotion.
3. Decorate your baby scrapbook with items that are baby-related.
Capture all these moments of baby first year with pictures and journaling. Your baby will only be an infant for a moment in time. Capture it for always with a memorable baby scrapbook. Use these baby scrapbooking ideas, and as you do you will certainly come up with ideas of your own. Times a wasting!
Scrapbook Ideas for Your Baby Album
Executive Summary about Baby Scrapbooking Ideas By Lisa Fleming
A great way to start the album is by matting a 5″x7″ or 8″x10″ of yours baby hospital photo on the first page.
If you had multiple ultrasounds during your pregnancy, include pictures from different points in time so you can see how your baby was growing. Include photos of the nursery all ready and waiting for baby; take pictures from different angles to show everything in the room.
Those first pictures taken of your baby after the birth are some of the most precious ones you will ever have. You can put memorabilia such as the footprint card, bassinet name tag and baby id bracelet on these pages. Include key information/statistics in your journaling – baby full name, date, day, time, weight, length, details about your labor, name of the doctor/midwife, etc.
Mom, Dad and Baby
It is wonderful to have a page with pictures of just the three of you – Mom, Dad and Baby – and then include siblings, grandparents, etc. on other pages. Journal about how you felt upon meeting your baby for the first time, whether your baby resembled anyone in the family, how your baby reacted to hearing your voice, etc.
Once you have a page or two of Mom, Dad and Baby photos, it is time to include the siblings if your baby has any. Capture how excited they are to meet their new baby brother/sister and how proud they are to be big brothers/big sisters.
The New Family
Be sure to include a picture of everyone (Mom, Dad, siblings) with the new baby, plus a picture of the whole family.
In addition to having photos of the visitors that came to meet your baby at the hospital, you will also want to have pictures of the visitors at your home. Siblings
If your baby has siblings, you can make a separate page for each sibling with lots of photos of the big brother/big sister with the new baby. If your baby is lucky enough to meet his/her great-grandparents, have a page or two with pictures of them holding the baby.
Where To Get Scrapbooking Page Ideas
Scrapbooking is an activity that requires some inspiration and a lot of effort. Now, we all know that every person can make the effort to be creative. However, inspiration is hard to come by. Inspiration is that one little spark that guides you where to direct your efforts.
Scrapbooking page ideas can be hard to come by. They can be sought after, yet never found. They can be ignored, yet just pop up in your mind. However, there are a lot of places where you can get scrapbooking page ideas. Here are some of them:
1) Conversations – sometimes, just talking to another person can help you get a scrapbooking page idea. By engaging in conversations, you can often catch glimpses of a person”s soul, and that can serve as your inspiration.
There are two ways to get scrapbooking page ideas from conversations:
a) Directly – you could try asking for other people for some scrapbooking page ideas directly. You could discuss different scrapbooking page ideas and talk about the virtues and disadvantages of each one. By asking people for ideas, you save yourself the trouble of having to find an overall theme. However, by doing so, you cannot really claim a scrapbook as your own, since the idea came from somewhere else.
b) Indirectly -this happens when you are talking to a person about something unrelated to scrapbooking and suddenly, you gleam from a certain word or phrase, a scrapbooking page idea. Getting a scrapbooking page idea this way can be quite hard, as you will be focusing on two things: the idea and the conversation.
Sometimes, a conversation can actually help free your creative spirit and actually unleash the scrapbooking page idea within you.
2) The environment – look around you. There are many things out there which can give you different scrapbooking page ideas. What can the environment give you?
a) Overall theme – One good scrapbooking page idea is capturing the beauty of the sunset in the overall theme of your scrapbook. In fact, there are many other things besides nature that you can use as great scrapbooking page ideas. This way, you actually tie the different pages of your scrapbook together.
b) Specifics – by looking at your environment, you can also gain specific scrapbooking page ideas. This means that you can enhance the little details of your scrapbook using your inspiration from outside. The details may mean something to you alone, or may also broadcast a page”s significance to the world.
c) Materials – by observing your environment, you can also get scrapbooking page ideas about what materials to use. Remember that, in a scrapbook, materials say so much about your personality. In doing so, you open yourself up to the possibility of recycling.
3) Yourself. -look inside yourself for any scrapbooking page ideas which you might want to try out. Remember that only you can best judge what you want. Look towards your personality and get inspiration from it. One activity you can do is listing on a piece of paper your different traits. This would give you some scrapbooking page ideas on how to best present your scrapbook. By looking within you, you can try to convey to the readers your personality and how you feel about a certain event and page in your scrapbook.
4) Mass media – You can also take several scrapbooking page ideas from the mass media today. This includes:
a) Television – Admit it: you love watching television. So why not try to take inspiration from it? By taking scrapbooking page ideas from your favorite TV shows, you can actually try to incorporate another facet of your personality into the scrapbook.
The television also allows you to see different types of visual themes and this can give you a very good idea as to how your scrapbook should look like.
b) Music – getting scrapbooking page ideas from music can be a bit hard, since only a few can really translate emotions form words into visual information. However, if you are able to do so, you can actually come up with a pretty deep message. You might also have your friends guessing as to how a page relates to the song.
c) Computer – of course, you could also get scrapbooking page ideas from the computer. Do you wish to portray a game? Do you want to incorporate a theme from the internet? By using the computer, you can access a ton of information to give you scrapbooking page ideas.
Scrapbooking page ideas can be hard to come by. They can be sought after, yet never found. They can be ignored, yet just pop up in your mind. However, there are a lot of places where you can get scrapbooking page ideas. Here are some of them:
1) Conversations – sometimes, just talking to another person can help you get a scrapbooking page idea. By engaging in conversations, you can often catch glimpses of a person”s soul, and that can serve as your inspiration.
There are two ways to get scrapbooking page ideas from conversations:
a) Directly – you could try asking for other people for some scrapbooking page ideas directly. You could discuss different scrapbooking page ideas and talk about the virtues and disadvantages of each one. By asking people for ideas, you save yourself the trouble of having to find an overall theme. However, by doing so, you cannot really claim a scrapbook as your own, since the idea came from somewhere else.
b) Indirectly -this happens when you are talking to a person about something unrelated to scrapbooking and suddenly, you gleam from a certain word or phrase, a scrapbooking page idea. Getting a scrapbooking page idea this way can be quite hard, as you will be focusing on two things: the idea and the conversation.
Sometimes, a conversation can actually help free your creative spirit and actually unleash the scrapbooking page idea within you.
2) The environment – look around you. There are many things out there which can give you different scrapbooking page ideas. What can the environment give you?
a) Overall theme – One good scrapbooking page idea is capturing the beauty of the sunset in the overall theme of your scrapbook. In fact, there are many other things besides nature that you can use as great scrapbooking page ideas. This way, you actually tie the different pages of your scrapbook together.
b) Specifics – by looking at your environment, you can also gain specific scrapbooking page ideas. This means that you can enhance the little details of your scrapbook using your inspiration from outside. The details may mean something to you alone, or may also broadcast a page”s significance to the world.
c) Materials – by observing your environment, you can also get scrapbooking page ideas about what materials to use. Remember that, in a scrapbook, materials say so much about your personality. In doing so, you open yourself up to the possibility of recycling.
3) Yourself. -look inside yourself for any scrapbooking page ideas which you might want to try out. Remember that only you can best judge what you want. Look towards your personality and get inspiration from it. One activity you can do is listing on a piece of paper your different traits. This would give you some scrapbooking page ideas on how to best present your scrapbook. By looking within you, you can try to convey to the readers your personality and how you feel about a certain event and page in your scrapbook.
4) Mass media – You can also take several scrapbooking page ideas from the mass media today. This includes:
a) Television – Admit it: you love watching television. So why not try to take inspiration from it? By taking scrapbooking page ideas from your favorite TV shows, you can actually try to incorporate another facet of your personality into the scrapbook.
The television also allows you to see different types of visual themes and this can give you a very good idea as to how your scrapbook should look like.
b) Music – getting scrapbooking page ideas from music can be a bit hard, since only a few can really translate emotions form words into visual information. However, if you are able to do so, you can actually come up with a pretty deep message. You might also have your friends guessing as to how a page relates to the song.
c) Computer – of course, you could also get scrapbooking page ideas from the computer. Do you wish to portray a game? Do you want to incorporate a theme from the internet? By using the computer, you can access a ton of information to give you scrapbooking page ideas.
Free Scrapbooking Idea
Free Scrapbooking Idea
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Scrapbooking Ideas (and Where to Get Them)
Ideas are valuable. Somehow, it seems that people are always underestimating the power of ideas. However, the world today is slowly realizing the importance of ideas and now thrives on trying to turn those ideas into money. That is just the reason why entrepreneurs are the richest people in the world.
A good idea, however, can be hard to come by. You need ideas to fuel creativity. In scrapbooking, ideas can be crucial factors on whether or not you are able to create a viable scrapbook. It is actually best that you come up with your own idea in creating a scrapbook. However, to give you a bit of help, there are free scrapbooking ideas out there.
Here are some places where you can get free scrapbooking ideas:
1) Other people – of course, we all know that all ideas come from people. What this article is trying to point out, however, is the fact that you can try to ask people directly in conversations for some free scrapbooking ideas. In doing so, you can have a brainstorming session and really get good scrapbooking ideas.
2) The internet – the internet is one big resource for all kinds of free scrapbooking ideas. In the internet, there are a lot of different sites which give you free scrapbooking ideas for your use. By checking out the internet, you access the world. This means you not only have access to ideas per se, but you also get to access different types of inspiration boosters. This means that you can actually produce an idea of your own through the internet.
The internet can also provide you with what other people think of this or that idea. Because of this, you can actually gleam what free scrapbooking ideas can work for you. You also get a lot of advice as to how to implement a certain free scrapbooking idea. Because of this, you will have an easier time designing your scrapbook.
3) Craft magazines – different magazines specialize in crafts and may offer you free scrapbooking ideas. By buying magazines like these, you actually gain access not only to free scrapbooking ideas, but also to ideas for other crafts. Also, these magazines can give you various tips on what to do and what not to do when creating your own scrapbook.
Craft magazines also sometimes come with supplements and materials that you can use in implementing different ideas. This means that you not only have access to the “what?”, but also to the “how?” of scrapbooking.
What are the advantages of free scrapbooking ideas?
1) You save money – of course, the word “free” should clue you in to the fact that you do not have to spend anything in order to avail of free scrapbooking ideas. By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you could even actually make money. Ideas today, especially good ones, can give lead to a very lucrative business venture.
2) You save on your effort – By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you rid yourself of the hassle of thinking up a theme or a design of the scrapbook. If you have some free scrapbooking ideas, you can actually just get on with the stage of making the scrapbook itself. This saves you a lot of effort, especially if you are the type of person who changes his or her mind constantly.
3) You save time – by availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you can actually skip the whole thinking process and just start getting creative. This advantage is ideal in a world where time equals money and money equals survival.
1) Lack of individuality – By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, your scrapbook will lack a certain quality of your personality. By availing of another”s idea, you rob yourself of the fulfillment that comes with creating a scrapbook straight from your head.
2) No guarantees of satisfaction – By availing of a free scrapbooking idea, you really have no guarantee that you will be satisfied with the final outcome. Although there really are no guarantees about how a creation will turn out, having your own idea means you know the details as to how to make slight changes to your satisfaction. Remember that knowing more about something can help you succeed in perfecting it.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Scrapbooking Ideas (and Where to Get Them)
Ideas are valuable. Somehow, it seems that people are always underestimating the power of ideas. However, the world today is slowly realizing the importance of ideas and now thrives on trying to turn those ideas into money. That is just the reason why entrepreneurs are the richest people in the world.
A good idea, however, can be hard to come by. You need ideas to fuel creativity. In scrapbooking, ideas can be crucial factors on whether or not you are able to create a viable scrapbook. It is actually best that you come up with your own idea in creating a scrapbook. However, to give you a bit of help, there are free scrapbooking ideas out there.
Here are some places where you can get free scrapbooking ideas:
1) Other people – of course, we all know that all ideas come from people. What this article is trying to point out, however, is the fact that you can try to ask people directly in conversations for some free scrapbooking ideas. In doing so, you can have a brainstorming session and really get good scrapbooking ideas.
2) The internet – the internet is one big resource for all kinds of free scrapbooking ideas. In the internet, there are a lot of different sites which give you free scrapbooking ideas for your use. By checking out the internet, you access the world. This means you not only have access to ideas per se, but you also get to access different types of inspiration boosters. This means that you can actually produce an idea of your own through the internet.
The internet can also provide you with what other people think of this or that idea. Because of this, you can actually gleam what free scrapbooking ideas can work for you. You also get a lot of advice as to how to implement a certain free scrapbooking idea. Because of this, you will have an easier time designing your scrapbook.
3) Craft magazines – different magazines specialize in crafts and may offer you free scrapbooking ideas. By buying magazines like these, you actually gain access not only to free scrapbooking ideas, but also to ideas for other crafts. Also, these magazines can give you various tips on what to do and what not to do when creating your own scrapbook.
Craft magazines also sometimes come with supplements and materials that you can use in implementing different ideas. This means that you not only have access to the “what?”, but also to the “how?” of scrapbooking.
What are the advantages of free scrapbooking ideas?
1) You save money – of course, the word “free” should clue you in to the fact that you do not have to spend anything in order to avail of free scrapbooking ideas. By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you could even actually make money. Ideas today, especially good ones, can give lead to a very lucrative business venture.
2) You save on your effort – By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you rid yourself of the hassle of thinking up a theme or a design of the scrapbook. If you have some free scrapbooking ideas, you can actually just get on with the stage of making the scrapbook itself. This saves you a lot of effort, especially if you are the type of person who changes his or her mind constantly.
3) You save time – by availing of free scrapbooking ideas, you can actually skip the whole thinking process and just start getting creative. This advantage is ideal in a world where time equals money and money equals survival.
1) Lack of individuality – By availing of free scrapbooking ideas, your scrapbook will lack a certain quality of your personality. By availing of another”s idea, you rob yourself of the fulfillment that comes with creating a scrapbook straight from your head.
2) No guarantees of satisfaction – By availing of a free scrapbooking idea, you really have no guarantee that you will be satisfied with the final outcome. Although there really are no guarantees about how a creation will turn out, having your own idea means you know the details as to how to make slight changes to your satisfaction. Remember that knowing more about something can help you succeed in perfecting it.
How To Search For Free Scrapbooking Templates On The Internet
Free scrapbooking templates can be a great help to the scrapbooking enthusiast. Here are some advantages of free scrapbooking templates:
1) Saves effort – Few people realize the complexity of having to select an overall theme for your scrapbook. Free scrapbooking templates relieve you of the trouble of having to come up with an overall theme. Free scrapbooking templates also save you the effort of having to do research on different ideas and finding out how to relate that idea to your scrapbook. You are also saved the trouble of having to try and connect the different parts of your scrapbook to the overall theme which you decided upon.
2) Saves time – In today’s world, no one has a lot of spare time. In fact, today’s world moves so fast that people always feel like they are lacking time. Of course, time is the only resource that we cannot get back, so everyone really does not have enough. We all find ways of saving time whenever we can, and scrapbooking is just one of those activities that need time and dedication in order to come out great.
Free scrapbooking templates can actually help you save time by providing you with the base on which to stick your pictures and memorabilia. This actually means that you only need to place your pictures on the template and voila! You’re done!
3) Saves money – Creating your own template can be quite expensive, since scrapbooking materials today do not really come cheap. However, by availing of free scrapbooking templates, you don’t really need to spend anything to have a quality design. Another advantage of free scrapbooking templates is the fact that you do not have to spend anything on tools to get them done.
Where do you look in the internet for free scrapbooking templates?
a) Crafts sites – There are actually websites in the internet which are dedicated to crafts and arts. These sites can offer you different resources on different types of do-it-yourself projects. This means that you are most likely to get free scrapbooking templates from these sites.
These sites can also offer you various tips and articles on how to put your scrapbook together. This help may actually prove valuable should you encounter a difficulty in making a scrapbook.
b) Photo sites – These sites often group different types of photographs together and allow you to search their database for pictures of a certain theme. This may not be a free scrapbooking template per se. However, you will be able to get different images that relate to a single theme. This means that you will be able to make your own template.
c) Theme sites –These sites actually focus on certain themes and allow you to browse different images and other downloads concerning a certain subject. Think of a theme and search on the internet if that theme has a specific site dedicated to it.
You are likely to find free scrapbooking templates on these sites based on the fact that these sites often contain different types of resources for people who wish to make anything based on that theme.
These sites offer you the opportunity to actually incorporate a single theme in all your scrapbooking pages. This means that you can have unity within your scrapbook
Others may actually find that a sort of organized chaos look works for them. However, you need a lot of talent and hard thinking for you to make this work. Having free scrapbooking templates can actually help you organize your scrapbook around a single theme. This way, you can actually easily relate to other people the main reason why you put a scrapbook together.
d) Group sites – These sites actually provide you free scrapbooking templates based on a single group you belong to. This is so that members of these groups can create scrapbooks based on their experiences within the group. By going this route, you actually are able to have a special bond, through your scrapbook, with the other members of the group. You can get together and compare scrapbooks to se how much you have done with that single theme.
There you go; those are just some suggestions on where to look for free scrapbooking templates. Hopefully, this article has helped you get into the path of scrapbooking perfection.
1) Saves effort – Few people realize the complexity of having to select an overall theme for your scrapbook. Free scrapbooking templates relieve you of the trouble of having to come up with an overall theme. Free scrapbooking templates also save you the effort of having to do research on different ideas and finding out how to relate that idea to your scrapbook. You are also saved the trouble of having to try and connect the different parts of your scrapbook to the overall theme which you decided upon.
2) Saves time – In today’s world, no one has a lot of spare time. In fact, today’s world moves so fast that people always feel like they are lacking time. Of course, time is the only resource that we cannot get back, so everyone really does not have enough. We all find ways of saving time whenever we can, and scrapbooking is just one of those activities that need time and dedication in order to come out great.
Free scrapbooking templates can actually help you save time by providing you with the base on which to stick your pictures and memorabilia. This actually means that you only need to place your pictures on the template and voila! You’re done!
3) Saves money – Creating your own template can be quite expensive, since scrapbooking materials today do not really come cheap. However, by availing of free scrapbooking templates, you don’t really need to spend anything to have a quality design. Another advantage of free scrapbooking templates is the fact that you do not have to spend anything on tools to get them done.
Where do you look in the internet for free scrapbooking templates?
a) Crafts sites – There are actually websites in the internet which are dedicated to crafts and arts. These sites can offer you different resources on different types of do-it-yourself projects. This means that you are most likely to get free scrapbooking templates from these sites.
These sites can also offer you various tips and articles on how to put your scrapbook together. This help may actually prove valuable should you encounter a difficulty in making a scrapbook.
b) Photo sites – These sites often group different types of photographs together and allow you to search their database for pictures of a certain theme. This may not be a free scrapbooking template per se. However, you will be able to get different images that relate to a single theme. This means that you will be able to make your own template.
c) Theme sites –These sites actually focus on certain themes and allow you to browse different images and other downloads concerning a certain subject. Think of a theme and search on the internet if that theme has a specific site dedicated to it.
You are likely to find free scrapbooking templates on these sites based on the fact that these sites often contain different types of resources for people who wish to make anything based on that theme.
These sites offer you the opportunity to actually incorporate a single theme in all your scrapbooking pages. This means that you can have unity within your scrapbook
Others may actually find that a sort of organized chaos look works for them. However, you need a lot of talent and hard thinking for you to make this work. Having free scrapbooking templates can actually help you organize your scrapbook around a single theme. This way, you can actually easily relate to other people the main reason why you put a scrapbook together.
d) Group sites – These sites actually provide you free scrapbooking templates based on a single group you belong to. This is so that members of these groups can create scrapbooks based on their experiences within the group. By going this route, you actually are able to have a special bond, through your scrapbook, with the other members of the group. You can get together and compare scrapbooks to se how much you have done with that single theme.
There you go; those are just some suggestions on where to look for free scrapbooking templates. Hopefully, this article has helped you get into the path of scrapbooking perfection.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Learn more about Website Hosting
Trying to identify a web hosting can be a very daunting task especially when there are so many available nowadays and all of them promise one thing or another because looking for and buying a reliable web hosting solution is an imperative decision. inding the best hosting service for your website can be complicated. The best way to select a quality web hosting is to take the selection process one step at a time.
If you are currently engaged in any facet of ecommerce, even service sectors, a website makes up a great deal of your business. Therefore, it is a safe assumption that you pay for hosting your website in some fashion. If you do not already have a dedicated server, perhaps you should revisit the decision for the best hosting options for your business.
Green hosting was scarce a few years ago, however, recently this type of web hosting has come into the limelight. There are a handful of companies who started off 100% green while others have gradually converted. Even some of the most widely known providers have made the switch to offer a more eco-friendly web hosting product. Many begin in the office by recycling waste paper and utilizing bio-fuel for heating purposes. This leads to the data centers where servers thrive off alternative sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Some have went out and purchased RECs (Renewable Energy Credits), a certification which assures the company is using alternatives forms of power.
There are some who question the performance and overall reliability you receive with a green hosting platform. In actuality, renewable energy is proven to be just as reliable and effective as conventional electricity. Green hosts are successfully running their businesses just as everyone else is. Like the traditional provider is equipped with electrical backup sources, these companies are prepared to produce renewable energy to keep the operation flourishing.
In today's competitive world reliable web hosting is very critical especially for the success of online businesses. You need to seek a web hosting company that can provide you with these critical components and much more.
If you are currently engaged in any facet of ecommerce, even service sectors, a website makes up a great deal of your business. Therefore, it is a safe assumption that you pay for hosting your website in some fashion. If you do not already have a dedicated server, perhaps you should revisit the decision for the best hosting options for your business.
Green hosting was scarce a few years ago, however, recently this type of web hosting has come into the limelight. There are a handful of companies who started off 100% green while others have gradually converted. Even some of the most widely known providers have made the switch to offer a more eco-friendly web hosting product. Many begin in the office by recycling waste paper and utilizing bio-fuel for heating purposes. This leads to the data centers where servers thrive off alternative sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Some have went out and purchased RECs (Renewable Energy Credits), a certification which assures the company is using alternatives forms of power.
There are some who question the performance and overall reliability you receive with a green hosting platform. In actuality, renewable energy is proven to be just as reliable and effective as conventional electricity. Green hosts are successfully running their businesses just as everyone else is. Like the traditional provider is equipped with electrical backup sources, these companies are prepared to produce renewable energy to keep the operation flourishing.
In today's competitive world reliable web hosting is very critical especially for the success of online businesses. You need to seek a web hosting company that can provide you with these critical components and much more.
Gold Create a New High Record in The History
Gold prices rise more than doubled since the start of a recession beginning in 2007. The price of this yellow rose 19 percent since last June when the European Leaders fight to keep the debt crisis did not spread to the main economic areas as well as U.S. politicians barely make contact with the country's default. That forced the rating agency Standard & Poor's cut U.S. credit rating to AAA .
The price of gold for December delivery, the most actively traded, was closed in 1822 US$ per ounce, up 28.20 US$ or 1.6 percent. In early trading, the yellow had a chance to touch 1829.70 US$, which is the highest level in history.
While in Indonesia, which is the Noble Metals business unit of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, to fix the price of gold at Rp 552 000 per gram for the purchase of 1 gram. As for the purchase of one kilogram which is the benchmark market price of gold, precious metals fix the price of Rp 510,000 per gram.
The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia

Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com - Compared to all countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia does have the largest number of BlackBerry users. So what makes this phone so successful?
There are about three million BlackBerry subscribers in Indonesia. This figure is believed to still be growing along with the incessant activity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has a mobile market with a rate of more than 180 million subscribers.
Behind the success of the BlackBerry was not spared from the habits of the users in Indonesia. It is utilized RIM to continue to aggressively promote their products.
"The people of Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia," said Francois Mahieu, Senior Director, Head of Product Management Asia Pacific Rim.
In addition, RIM also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be the best in its class.
There are about three million BlackBerry subscribers in Indonesia. This figure is believed to still be growing along with the incessant activity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has a mobile market with a rate of more than 180 million subscribers.
Behind the success of the BlackBerry was not spared from the habits of the users in Indonesia. It is utilized RIM to continue to aggressively promote their products.
"The people of Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia," said Francois Mahieu, Senior Director, Head of Product Management Asia Pacific Rim.
In addition, RIM also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be the best in its class.
Human Brain Need Vacation
A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.
Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando.com:
1. Improve Memory
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.
2. Enhance creativity
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity.
3. Sharpens concentration
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.
4. Provide rest time
The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.
Sampoerna Launches International Standard School

- Putera Sampoerna Foundation in collaboration with ExxonMobil launched a boarding school level of upper secondary school (high school) and the first international standard in Indonesia. The school is dedicated to students and student achievement from pre-prosperous families across Indonesia.
Nenny Soemawinata, Managing Director Putera Sampoerna Foundation said there were as many as 200 students and students who have passed through stringent selection process and managed to set aside more than 1,000 registrants from all over Indonesia to get a full scholarship with a total value amounting to 3.15 million U.S. dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation.
The male and female students selected are those that have been set aside more than 1,000 applicants from various regions in Indonesia. The selection process is divided into five stages of strict selection, the selection of documents, academic tests, psychological tests, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), as well as home visits to prospective students (home visit).
Sampoerna Academy Bogor Campus consists of students from throughout the region in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to West Papua. In addition, a number of students or students there are also derived from the operation of ExxonMobil, among Blora, Cepu and Bojonegoro, East Java.
Furthermore Nenny explained, Sampoerna Academy is an international education curriculum adapted from Cambridge University with a national curriculum or the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC).
Meanwhile, Regent Bogor, Rahmat Yasin said it strongly supports the opening of school Sampoerna Academy Campus in Bogor Bogor regency, West Java. He hopes one day this school can print more students and student achievement and an example for other schools so that the quality of education in Indonesia continues to increase.
For information, Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2009 has opened Sampoerna Academy in Malang, and Palembang, in which male and female students in Malang majority coming from the East Java region, while the students are girls at Palembang comes from Sumatra and Kalimantan. The total students of all Academy Sampoerna has currently reached 993 students with 525 students and new students 2011/2012 force. This year, Putera Sampoerna Foundation Sampoerna Academy plans to inaugurate in Bali.
Asus launches world's thinnest notebook

- Asus finally launching a netbook product called the thinnest and lightest in the world. With a thickness of 17.6 millimeters and weighs 920 grams totaled, X101 series product is challenging thin laptops that are already on the market without sacrificing functionality.
This product has actually been exhibited in celebration of International Computer, Computex 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, a few months ago. The design is lightweight and slim netbook is meant to fit easily into a briefcase and can be carried easily anywhere.
This netbook allegedly deliberately made for cloud computing to boost the ability to surf the internet. The proof lies in the use of Solid State Drives at 8 Gigabit without any harddisks.
The operating system used is MeeGo which basically has the functionality to work through the cloud computing as well as access to exclusive services such as Asus Vibe Asus, Asus AppStore, until online file storage facility that is Dropbox.
Specifications X101 is also not lost though initially targeted for netbook users and people who want to have a secondary computer. Processor which is embedded in this netbook is the Intel Atom, 1 Gb RAM, 2 USB 2.0 plugs, a micro SD slot, and a webcam. Innovations such as the Asus Super Hybrid Engine proud ensure the continued efficient performance of netbook so that it can save battery usage.
School to Japan Without Learn Japanese Language

- Asia Pacific University (APU) provides scholarships for foreign students to undergo studies in of Sakura. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years (until graduation) and no ties whatsoever. Scholarship selection process incoming and APU based on the quality of documents submitted, without the written tests or interviews. In addition, the APU uses English as an introduction to learning. So, you do not need to learn Japanese first. Interested?
Scholarships are awarded APU includes only 124 credits over four years for freshmen (first year student), 94 credits for 3 years for second-year transfer student (second year transfer student), and 62 credits for 2 years for a third year transfer student ( third year transfer student).
This scholarship program does not apply if the student takes additional credits, or decide to study more than 4 years.
Well, there are several scholarship options, namely Pre-Enrollment scholarship that covers 100 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship programs 80 percent, 65 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship program by 50 percent, 30 percent scholarship, and Honor Scholarship.
100 percent for the scholarship program, all tuition fees paid by the university, without the cost of tickets and living expenses. Similarly, 80 percent of the program, pays 80 percent of university tuition fees and so on. Meanwhile, Honor Scholarship is a scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology valued at 600,000 yen per year. Students only pay 130,000 yen entrance fee, airfare, and tuition 1200000-1375000 yen per year and the cost of living, and can be combined with other APU scholarships.
There are also Scholarships Post-enrollment, ie internal scholarships to students who have been in Japan, achievement and meet the requirements. In addition, there are external scholarships are awarded to international students, and 19 kinds of scholarships are awarded for those who have student visas.
For enrollment to April 2012, application deadline 30 September 2011 and the regular application deadline November 30, 2011. For enrollment September 2012, application deadline January 31, 2012, the regular application deadline March 31, 2012.
Mesothelioma Fact

- Mesothelioma Fact , Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs. Asbestos is the cause of about 90 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Asbestos is a mineral found in the neighborhood. Asbestos fibers are strong and resistant to heat makes it very useful to be applied to a variety of needs. People who work in environments polluted many asbestos fibers have a greater risk of exposure mesothelioma.
When asbestos split, asbestos dust is formed. If dust is inhaled or swallowed asbestos fibers will then settle in the lungs or in the stomach and can cause irritation that causes mesothelioma.
Some people who over many years exposed to asbestos pollution can not have mesothelioma, while others the opposite. This indicates that other factors may be related, namely the hereditary factors do you have a family history of cancer in some people is a condition that increases the risk.
Risk factors that may increase the risk of mesothelioma such as:
• Exposure to asbestos fiber dust pollution
• Living with someone who works in an environment with asbestos (the asbestos fibers are attached to their clothing or skin)
• Smoking
• SV40 virus is found in many primates
• X-ray radiation
• Family history with mesothelioma
Many people who experienced mesothelioma exposed to asbestos fibers while working at places such as:
• Mine
• Factory worker
• Manufacturing of electronic components
• Construction of rail
• Shipbuilding
• Construction workers
• Mechanics
Prevention :
• Beware if you work in an environment with asbestos
• Follow standard safety regulations
• Do not use objects that contain asbestos in your neighborhood
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